
Sep 28, 2009 21:49

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. (Yeah, I know. I can hear my sibs saying, "don't hurt yourself, there").  It's almost been a re-evaluation of what I know to be true.  Well... let me take that back. Not so much what  I know to be true,  but how it applies these days.  How do the truths I know are true from life experience and from training and study apply to me where I am?

I haven't come up with anything earth-shattering yet.  Mainly, it's a slow process, thinking through things as they cross my mind. Our ideas about 'church' were just the first part of the process, I think.  When you reconsider things you've thought were true forever and thought wouldn't change, it makes you take a good hard look at  everything else.

There are basic truths I know to be solid, real, and forever.  Those things, very basic though they be, are what I'm working from. However, I've seen that many people who believe those same core things believe a myriad of different other things, sometimes different at different points in their lives.  (You know, the whole "different river" argument.)  Maybe there won't be anything that makes me completely twirl around in circles and redesign everything, but it's sure an interesting experience.

I don't think I'm doing the unnecessary here.  I think it's something that everyone, no matter what their core beliefs are, should do from time to time.  Heck, you may even find a reason to change the core somewhat.  But 'I know in Whom I have believed', and that's enough for me.

Who knows where this will lead, but it's happening.

In other news, I am a little annoyed at the pharmacy we went to today. I got a ride to Wal*Mart and got Will's medication, and they only had four doses of it.  Told me to come back for more tomorrow.  I tried to explain that I'd really rather come on the weekend when my husband could take us, but that wasn't happening. So, I'm pretty sure they were completely out or something. I can't think of another reason to put us off like that.

Tomorrow, I am taking Anna to the preschool to see if she needs speech therapy like Will. She has much better speech than he, but her rs are nonexistent, as are the s' in the prefix blends. "Star", therefore, turns out to be "tah."   I think she'd benefit from the school environment in other ways, as well. She'd learn to speak up around others outside her family and she'd learn to take turns. Or learn that every other preschooler wants a turn to be 'first'.  (That's been her big thing lately.  "I be fuhst.")

It's kind of silly, but I've been playing FF8 again, trying to beat it, and this time through, I've been near tears several times thinking about the implications of the storyline.  Things like their discovery of who raised them and all that entails, as well as the convoluted relationships between Squall and Riona and those closest to them.  (I have a theory on that one, but I don't want to spoil the storyline for anyone who cares, so I'll keep it to myself. However, it makes for an almost soap-opera like mess.)
I've been enjoying it, though, so I guess that's a good thing.

I switched from Firefox to Opera recently. I still use Firefox for a few things, but Opera is handling things more quickly and efficiently.  I don't know what the problem is with Firefox lately, but I haven't been exceedingly happy with it.  So, I put Opera as default and just switch over for those things I need. I don't like that it doesn't have a good "delicious" widget, but maybe the "opera link" will do what the other will. I dunno. 

opera, christian, ideas, browser, final fantasy viii. firefox, faith, parenting, update, children, school

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