Пропустила такую новость!
Если кратко, то "правительство острова" решило сделать Самуи некурящим островом :)
Естественно, не сегодня и даже не завтра.
И, конечно, будут специальные зоны для курящих, где они смогут спокойно дышать дымом в своё удовольствие.
Но главное - общая направленность на то, чтобы сделать Самуи "островом здоровья" :)
Friday, 14 January 2011 14:21
Samui District Chief Sakchai Jor Phalit met with the island’s public health officials to map out strategies towards making Samui a no-smoking city.
The meeting, held at the Koh Samui Municipality, was also attended by other government officials and representatives from business and civicsectors.
The island’s public health department officer, Cherd Thongsook, said the move to keep Samui a no-smoking city was meant to protect the health not just of local residents and expats but also of tourists.
He said most tourists visiting the island are health conscious and they don’t want to inhale smoke wherever they go, particularly restaurants, entertainment places, bars, among other places.
By keeping Samui a nonsmokingenvironment, Cherd said, “we would not just be protecting public health but would also be encouraging families, local and foreign, to visit the island where their health and that of their children’s are well protected.”
In declaring the island nosmoking city, the public health officer said the island would strictly enforce the Health Protection Act for non-smokers issued in1992.
Under that law, public places should be largely non-smoking areas to protect the health of non-smokers, although smoking areas could be designated for the benefit of smokers.
As provided for under the law, business owners who don’t designate smoking and non-smoking areas in their establishments would be subject to a fine of not over Bt20,000.
The law also provides that non-smoking and smoking areas should have clear signs located at conspicuous places.
People caught smoking in non-smoking areas would be subject to a fine of not more than Bt2,000.