Anyone willing to be a Star Trek sounding board/beta?

Jul 24, 2012 23:00

Seeking a beta/willing ear/sounding board to help me out with an epically long crossover story. I always feel wretchedly awkward asking random people on communities how they feel about beta-ing, so I thought I would put the question to my friends list and desperately hope someone out there wanted to help.

Details under the... 


So, I'm working on a Harry Potter/Star Trek fusion (with the occasional crossover by my favorite professors). The story is set in year one of the gang's time at Hogwarts, and at this point the story is about 40,000 words long and it's only halfway done. I've stalled out because I need someone to talk things out with and get them straight in my head.

I've been working on this story forever, and it's something I would desperately like to get finished, but I keep getting bogged down in making the same decisions over and over, and I'm just looking for someone to talk to.


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