Aug 28, 2006 16:27
Hello again!
Yes.. this is going to be a rather lenghty update.. as Q-205 has many things to talk about.
First lets press the rewind button.. and go back to saturday. On that day was the rediscovering of many things. Lets first talk about the olden days. remember those days when you had a long ass RPG, or somewhat harder RPG... or even a four disc RPG? Well you should.. because the world was discovered at that time.. well maybe not... but... many videogame standards were broken and things were anew to a lot of people. Now then, yours truly was playing Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 2 Eternal Punishment. Now its not Shin Megami persei... but... its related.. so I hooked it on to the title XD. The game when first played was amazing to me... having interesting characters all the while an intrickit battle system. I never played any of the games related to Persona, nor that were related to the Shin Megami series. If your keeping track on the score board though... Persona 2 Eternal Punishment is a sequel to Persona 2 Innocent Sin. Since during those days I had no way of playing Persona 2 Innocent Sin, Persona 2 is my first in the series. I never played Persona Revelations so.. thats out of the picture for me as well. Basically.. its a game where a huge rumor is spread around about the living existance of The Joker who supposedly lives within all of us. *note to self.. praise of folly... joker.. english people will get what I mean* Basically you have a party.. a huge story.. mostly science fiction and mythological and blah blah.. and you go along for the journey. I won't explain, since the majority who might read this.. will either do one of two things.. look up Persona on the net.. or already know what it is. I played the game for a good portion of my saturday since... I just felt so pushed into it. I am currently up to ten hours.. and doing quite well.
Next topic...
During that faithful saturday. Big Jon came over.. and we had some good times. Mostly playing Persona 2, playing games.. and the like. After a quick run to Whataburger to satisfy our hunger.. I asked him to do a small favor... little did we know this favor would turn huge.. I do mean huge...
Huge Favor
Remember back in the day when Final Fantasy VII was running rampant all over the place? Well.. my favor included getting a materia in the game as Alexander. Those who know this will know what I mean. Anyhow.. I was already around the area of question, at level 54.. with everyone having like Master Materia at that time.. with the acception of summons... and limit level 3... with the exception of Yuffie with limit level 4. We consulted a FAQ as we needed to.. and.. we ended up doing the main part of the story. We went through the big climbing snow bit.. ice caves.. and boss fight of the two headed dragons.. and killed it in like literally five rounds.. yes that powerful my characters are right now...
Little did we know.. that was the wrong direction. So we went back and started for the sub quest. THIS TOOK LITERALLY 2 HOURS, AS NEITHER OF US HAD DONE THIS BEFORE! You can imagine how Jon was.. screaming at the TV... and saying hateful things to the game. The FAQ was pretty vague in telling us where the hot spring was.. and he put the controller down after a good while that passed. So I took a hand at it.. and found the hot spring in question. We finally touched it.. went to the cave and as would fate have it.. we were sent back to the hot springs. This occured about four times.. which means four times of redoing the actual who getting to the area in question, and touching the springs. WHEN ALL WE HAD TO DO WAS JUST TOUCH IT ONCE AND FIGHT SNOW! After the fifth time.. we finally fought her.... and killed her with one casting of Fire 3! Wow pathetic that is....
Anyhow.. we were both glad.. and mad at the same time.
I can say that school has started out to be pretty good this semester. All my classes are very much in the area of being liked, and its just good to see old friends again, as well as new faces.
Now then... as for those questions I was supposed to answer.. I will do it next time.. or later... to long of an entry at this point XD.
Be well and take care!
final fantasy,