Apr 13, 2003 09:58
When I was 16 or 17 I went with the Ladies of the Purple Heart (Women who had an immediate family member who received a Purple Heart) to play Bingo at the Veterans Hospital. This was a very life altering experience for me. The patients were varied in their demeanor. Most were kind and appreciative. Some were hostile. Some were aggressive. Some were almost vegetables. I took my cue on how to handle difficult situations from the wives and mothers of men who have either died or been injured in combat. When I would be embarrassed or frightened, they would be assertive. I had one patient who continually cheated. Where I would justify his actions, they corrected him. I learned a lot from all of them because I was open to learning.
When I was a teenager, all of my friends were involved in some sort of community service. Now days kids have to be bribed or forced to participate. There is so much to learn and so little time to do it.