- posted on trailerparkboys
This week's lesson: do not bogart spliffs rolled by smokers who are more used to it than you are.
I enjoyed playing pool in the pub with the housemates :) I managed to lose both my games but what the hell :) Whilst there, Mooncat asked if I fancied coming over for a smoke after he finished work. He picked me up as he came past my house. I met his flat mate Alice, who's really cool :)
So, Mooncat rolls up a joint using grass which is something I am not used to anyway. I end up hogging it and smoking half this double length spliff. 5 mins later I started feeling really really tired and 10 mins later I'm totally flopped out on the couch. It wasn't fun... I experience a whole bunch of symptoms I've never had before and that I never want to see again and nearly had a white out.
About two hours later I'm over the trip enough to talk and stand. Andy starts ringing my mobile giving me total shit and freaking out big style. He was demanding to come and get me but I wasn't having him coming round and making a total prat of me in from of those two. Hell, I'd made enough of a prat of myself by nearly whiting on half a spliff without Andy being an ass.
Left Mooncat's 0330 to get home to a bollocking and finally went to sleep 0430. Had to get up 0600 to a 24 hour shift which was a total no starter for me. Went to Launceston which I so could have done without! Had a second wind of it mid afternoon and was killing myself laughing on the couch.
Spent yesterday recovering and asleep which annoyed me as it was a really lovely day out, but I just couldn't face it. I'm still feeling tired but no longer stoned. The fast heart rate finally went yesterday... I counted myself at 120bpm resting so no wonder I was feeling bad!