My friends, I feel that there is a need to go through my fl and get rid of one or two. If for any reason you want me to delete you, please comment to let me know.
Can I leave a comment if I want to STAY on your friends list? :-)
Sorry I don't come around as much anymore. I haven't been taking as much me time as I used to. Now when I'm on the computer I'm constantly being asked to research things for other people or do things for other people. Add to that our internet connection has gotten slow as molasses half the time, but I'm still here.
I think it's the fault of my new feed reader. I was adding my favorite people to it. I thought it would make it easier on me to keep track of updates. This entry showed up on the top. I didn't even think to check the date. I may have to try something else if it's not going to give me new entrys.
Sorry I don't come around as much anymore. I haven't been taking as much me time as I used to. Now when I'm on the computer I'm constantly being asked to research things for other people or do things for other people. Add to that our internet connection has gotten slow as molasses half the time, but I'm still here.
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