Nov 13, 2006 16:25

When there's nothing else to do...

Can you blow a bubble?: Mhmm
Can you dance?: Hell yeah
Can you do a cart wheel?: Hahaha, no, well a really crappy, sad cartwheel, but let's just say no
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: Ahaha, I wish
Can you touch your toes?: Heck yes
Can you whistle?: Sometimes
Can you wiggle your ears?: Noope
Can you wiggle your nose?: Without anything else moving? Nu uh

Did you ever get in a fist fight in school? Ahaha  no
Did you ever run away from home?: Nopee
Did you ever want to be a doctor?: Ahh no, I hate doctors offices
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?: Lmao, nope

Do you believe in God?: Yes, of course!
Do you know how to swim?: Yeah
Do you like roller coasters?: I like little kid roller coasters. Lol. Shut up, I'm cool
Do you have a bike?: I don't actually know...
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: Ahh no never,  I'm super picky with normal food, I could never handle weirdo stuff like buffalo testicles ahaha

Does hair loss run through your family?: I don't think so
Does your car get good gas mileage?: Um, I definitely don't have a car, or my license, or my learners (Shut up Josh *from work* lol)
Does your family have family picnics?: Ahaha, I wish. Wait, we definitely used to do that in the good ol' days. Good times.

Have you ever been on a plane?: Nope
Have you ever been to the ocean?: Um, I think we thought we were but actually weren't? Or something like that...so I'm gonna say ... BANANA
Have you ever gone fishing?: Heck yes! Every summer, well, it used to be every summer
Have you ever painted your nails?: Lol, if you know me, you wouldn't have to ask that question. My nails are always painted. Always. Haha.

How did you find out about nexopia?: Ummmmmmmmmmm, Nicole!

How many myspace friends have you met in person?: I think myspace is stupid. And overrated. I don't like it. And I don't have it.
How tall are you?: 5'8 (as far as I know)
How much money do you have on you right now?: Ahaha, maybe a dollar, all my money is in my account

Last person you hung out with?: Hmmm, good question. I think it was Lauren and Delaney but I could be wrong... *thinks about it for like five minutes* yep, that's right, Lauren and Delaney.
Last thing you said out loud?: Lol, uhh I think it was "Bye"
Last thing someone said to you?: "Bye" hahaaha

What are you listening to?: So Hard - Dixie Chicks
What is the temperature outside?: Freaking cold
What radio station do you listen to?: Well I prefer C95 but at work we usually have to listen to Magic 98.3 but honestly, I could care less. Music is music and I love music
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Cheese Toast! (Heck yess)
What was the last thing you bought?: OMFG don't even get me started. Lets just say it was a chocolate milkshake and leave all the other things for another day.
What was the last thing you had to drink?: Pepsi

What was the last thing on TV you watched?: Aahahhah Arthur. Frick, good show, don't diss it. HAhahahah Arthur became fat in the one episode, it was suchhhh a gooder

Who is your newest friend you added to nexopia?: I would sayyyyy Amanda
Who was the last person you IM'd?: Nicole
Who talked to on the phone?: Le dad
Who is your current crush?: I actually don't have one, and I kinda like it like that
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: ME
Who was the last person to leave you a comment?: Amanda
Who was the last person you said i love you to?: UHhhhhh I think it was my mom.....

Ever really cried your heart out?: OMFG of course
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Of course
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: Maybe like, cried while hugging, but I don't know if that counts
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: Ugh, yes
Do you cry when you get an injury?: That depends on the injury
Do certain songs make you cry?: Umm, it depends on the mood I'm in. One time I was feeling really bummed and sad-ish song came on, it made me cry. But it wasn't the song necessarily, more my mood. The song just made triggered the tears or something..I don't know

Are you a happy person?: That depends

What can make you happy?: Being with friends, partying, having funnn with friends or family, or listening to some goood tunage or getting a compliment, or...I dunno, it depends on why I'm sad in the first place
Do you wish you were happier?: Sometimes when I feel crappy I wish I wasn't....?
Is being happy overrated?: Um, no, I think that's stupid to ask. No emotion is overrated. Ugh. This question just made me angry.
Can music make you happy?: YES

How many times have you had your heart broken?: Uhhh twice
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: Of course, I do right now! (But not like, goo goo ga ga love, like, friendship love and family love. Duurrr)
Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said 'i love you' to you?:  Mhmm...

Who do you actually hate, anyone?: Noo, I think it's almost impossible to feel hatred towards someone (I didn't say impossible, I just say almost impossible)
Ever made a hit list?: Ahahaha no, I ain't no gangsta
Have you ever been on a hit list?: Uhh if I was, would I honestly know that?
Are you a mean bully?: I used to be....
Do you hate George Bush?: I hate what he's doing, but I couldn't hate him, I've never met him in my life.

Is your self-esteem extremely low?: Honestly....? Not extremely, but it's quite low
Do you believe in yourself?: Depends...?
Are you good looking?: Most of the time, I really don't think so
Do you wish you can be someone else?: Almost all the time

What is your current hair color?: Ummm mostly blonde, my roots are growing in thoughh
Current Piercings?: None (and my parents won't let me get my nose done for my birthday :(
Have any tattoos?: Not yettt
Straight Hair or Curly?: Naturally? Curlyish. Right now? Straight.

What shirt are you wearing?: A yellow wife beater
Shorts?: They're actually pants. I'm wearing jeans
Shoes?: Pink socks with monkeys and hearts on them
Necklaces?: Nadda

Rock or rap: Depends on the artists. But for majority, I'll say rap, 'cause it has a better beat to dance too

Coffee or Hot Cocoa: Coffeeee
Wild Night out or Romantic Night: Wild night out!! Heck yesss
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Hummer or Sports Car: I dont like either. Honestly. But I dislike hummers more. So a sports car I guess
Bracelet or Necklace: Necklace
History or Science: History.
Sleep in or Early to rise: Sleep in
Beach or Boardwalk: Beach
Hoodie or Tee Shirt: Hoodie
Night or Day: Night
High School or college: High School
California or Florida: California
Simple Plan or Good Charlotte: EWWWWWWWWWW neither
Love at first sight or Learn to Love: There's no such thing as love at first sight. Only lust. So learn to love.

Kissed the same sex?: Other then family? Yeahhhh, I've kissed some of my friends on the cheek
  But not in the way you're thinking, sicko
Hugged someone?: Duhhh hugs are awesome.
Been on the phone until the sun came up?: Ahaha, almost
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants?: Again, almost, hahaa
Laughed so hard you cried?: OMFG yes!!! AHAHAHAHA that just made me think of something, and now I'm laughing again, like a loser
Got in a fight with someone?: Physical or verbal? Verbal, alot, physical, maybe a couple times

Person you talked to in person?: My mom
Person you talked to online?: Nicole
Person you talked to on the phone?: My dad
Had a shower?: Yesterday. Ahaha, don't worry, I'm showering after work

Do you like surveys?: When I'm bored.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Herbal Essences
Do you get along with your parents?: Uhhh, no comment
Do you have mental breakdowns?: I don't know...what is a mental break down, reallly?
Did you ever tell your parents you didn't feel good so you didn't have to go to school?: Ahahaha heck yes, like, lots

Current mood: Okayyy
Current Music: Lips Of An Angel (acoustic version) - Hinder
Current hair style: Down && Straightt
Current Crush: Wasn't this a question already?
Current Thing I Ought to be doing: Researching for a photo project
Current Windows Open: Just this one

Current desktop picture?: Some windows xp thing called peace. It's actually pretty nice
Current Book: OMFG I'm re-reading the newest Clique book, because I have to. Then I re-read the whole series continuously until the next book comes out.

Well, wasn't that interesting? If you read that whole thing then I love you lots. If you just scrolled down to the bottom, I sort of like you. If you didn't even scroll, then you can screw off. AHAHAH just kidding, love you all
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