Feb 15, 2006 03:20
Want to know something funny? It is 3:20am and I am awake and writing in this thing. Haha. Oh, law school is detrimental to your health. ;) just kidding... but not really.
I have this 12-page (roughly) paper due Friday morning and I have been really stressing about it the past couple of days. You know me, always the attempted perfectionist. Not that that means I usually stress, but I think I stay (or at least appear to others) relatively calm most of the time. Even with this paper, I felt stressed but only really let a couple of people know that. Anyway though, I love to write (this is evidence of such) and have been told that I write fairly well, but law school papers, that is another story. Everything is a step up in law school; thus, I feel like I must step it up to get the grades I want and feel content with myself. (I know, another story about how I let silly things like grades motivate me) Well, anyway, I usually do things to their fullest (note usually) since at least my college career (I am thinking high school though too), so when I tell myself to "step it up," that's not an easy task. Thanks to my years of varsity crew and beligerent coaches, I am learning/have learned that there is always room for improvement, always room to push further mentally, physcially, etc. than you thought you could go. I am just experiencing this academically in law school. I got roughly a 3.5 last semester, my first semester of law school, which ranked me #11 in the class of over 200. I have to say that is definitely the lowest GPA I have had since before high school, but I think I am the proudest of that 3.5 GPA than I have ever been of any of my GPA's. I know that I worked the hardest for that GPA than I have ever worked for any of my 4.0's. I also know that I still slacked here and there last semester, so I feel like I definitely have room for improvement. Slack a little less, work a little more efficiently now that I know what law school expects of a person, and I feel like I hold all the cards to doing even better this semester. It's a personal goal to do better GPA-wise this semester to make up for a couple of windfalls I had last semester. I stumbled a few times last semester. More accurately stated, I fell hard on my face due to a few very wrong decisions. I feel like I owe it to God, myself, and all the people I care about to make it up this semester. To do better, learn from mistakes (which I have done that...some of the hardest lessons I never thought I would have to learn. I foolishly thought I was above that. Oh, how pride comes before a fall.), and show who I really am and who I aim to be.
Well enough of this, the irony kills me that I just finished writing a really long paper to turn around and write a really long entry, even if it is very honest.
I hope that to whomever reads this, life finds you well and you live life well.