Apr 01, 2004 13:44
Well it's official. The last day to drop a class with a W for a grade was on the Monday before I took my last econ test. I'm convinced I failed so is it even worth going to class anymore? I'm still gonna fail, and if I take it next semester and do well, they'll take the higher of the 2 grades and drop the failure. I hear there are plenty of other professors who make the material understandable. We'll see I guess.
I'm in the process of picking out my classes for next semester already. You know how it goes.
The week's gone slower than I imagined. Ever since spring break the weeks have whizzed by, but this week seems to be dragging. I'm nearly done all the work I need to do for even next week so I think I'm just gonna chill and take things slow. I've been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off ever since school started. I need to slow down. My p's are going away this weekend so I'll definitely be throwing back a few. If you're not busy this weekend gimme a call, I might have something. It'll be nothing like the old Quinto parties but you know, things change, but gotta miss the old party days.
I locked myself out of my house last night so I stayed at Brian's til 5am (planned on 2am but shut off my alarm by accident) and moseyed on home, woke my mom for a little to get the door, then slept in til 9am. It was nice.
I'm at school now wasting time waiting for Brian to come pick me up. Thought I might as well update. I'm gonna get back to picking classes since its oh-so-important. Later Gator.