Jun 30, 2008 22:19
I finally wrote the Alanna/Crazy!Roger fic that I've been thinking about for... when since I read the book. Unfortunately, as it turns out, someone beat me to it. For a fic that is about the same subject, our fics are remarkably different. The authoress who wrote the other fic took more of a... psychosexual thing that was about as subtle as a hammer to the prefrontal cortex. I think the premise for this kind of fic is good and I was disappointed that she/he didn't do it better.
My own fic could use some work, I'm sure, but I don't know how else to better it on my own. Too bad I don't have a reliable editor.
I'm getting Microsoft 2007. I don't think I can live without this wonderful new program now that I've been exposed to it. OMG! IT AR SOOO GRATE! It makes writing almost bearable.
I've always thought of myself as a decisive person (not really, but let's just say that I have). Under further study and personal reflection, I am a study in dichotomies (would you believe that this way of using the word is, in the purist sense, incorrect?). I've become so accustomed to seeing beyond three or four solutions that even when I am given a yes or no question, I am conflicted with at least that many varying answers of which I am sure to all be correct.
Let's see... I saw "The Happening". To my disappointment it did not receive very good reviews. Senor Shyamalan really needed this movie to go over well. I hope he can do a good job on the Avatar movies (I have my doubts but I really like his work and will try to keep an open mind).
The only copy of "Where the Heart Is" in the entire world is scratched and skips terribly. I missed more of the movie than I saw. I want my four dollars back, Blockbuster.
That's all for now... I plan on writing some more Tamora Pierce fanfiction. I would like to write a Aly/Kyprioth fic. I just finished the Trickster series and even though Kyprioth states that they're made for each other in a "strictly god-to-servant way" there's also that part that talks about him not wanting to part with her. Aly then responds that he'll have to let her go someday. I would like to write about that someday. It's probably because I have a thing for the eccentric character. Realistically, I would only want to spend small amounts of time around such a person. I suppose it is a good thing he's a fictitious god then, eh?
My original story is going well and it's going horribly. On one hand I am pleased that I've gotten even as far as I have. On the other hand I am dismayed that I am only as far as I am. There's so much more to write. I think that I've been taking an easier road in writing fanfiction because I already have a world in which to work with. In my original story I have to not only work with my OWN characters, but I have to create entire worlds (yes, plural because when I dream, I dream big). I'm also having a hell of a time working out the timeline, exactly which gods fit into which slots/motivations, and when I need to create different characters to fill certain voids. However, the more people I add, the more backstory I have to add. It becomes a trial and it seems like more than I can handle. It's hard.
I'll be crazy by then end. Just like Roger. Just like the people I write about and watch. Thin line between genius and madness. How close to the line am I wandering? Maybe it's just the medications. My doctors are nice but their expectations that I can handle being crazy are a little unrealistic. But I shouldn't be whining.
Best wishes