Sep 09, 2009 22:21
"I would highly recommend seeing the movie. It is not tragic, it is very uplifting. I wouldn't watch it with your kids though, since there is one tragic scene that could have been severely edited.
And to the OP: this movie is about a simple man of God who comes to Christ, and believes His Word, before "seasoned" believers like you talk him out of it because you didn't have the faith to press through and really trust God."
A post on the discussion boards of This is addressed to an OP who had the audacity to disagree/dislike the message they thought the movie was preaching. SCUMBAG!
Now while I have my own scuffles occasionally with different theologies/traditions, I don't think slapping someone down with, "You only feel that way because you are inadequate in the faith department and you drag everyone else around you down," helps anything. At all. In fact, I think it's internationally known as a JERK thing to say.
Oh, the name of the movie, you ask? "Faith like Potatoes" (2006)
Hilarious? Yes, sir.
In other news, my mother discovered today. It's been hours of Al Green, Josh Groban, Michael Jackson memorial stuff and (my personal fave) Marvin Gaye. I normally hate "Let's get it on" with the fiery passion you'd normally only associate with someone, well... getting it on. But listening to it on full blast with my mom singing along made me want to stick groovy stakes in my ears (try to avoid the "malapropism" of confusing "stake" and "steak", as I almost did just there).
School starts here on the 30th (so I was told). That isn't for a while yet. A good thing too as I received a note today from one of the stores I'd purchased a textbook from online saying that it was out of stock. I'm going to have to get another which means a bus ride into the city (I'd rather not) or I can order online again and risk it coming a few days into the quarter.
Writing News:
I am currently watching my cat try to clean her face with her paw. Granted this must be the most awkward way to clean oneself (barring throwing yourself against door hinges or something), but I think this is sign. She's hit middle age now and with her, I have too (in a way).
No longer are either of us the spritely kittens we used to be. People don't want to feed, comb and bathe us anymore while we just play with string and poop (always favorite pastimes of mine); they want us to carry our own respective loads.
For her I don't know what this means but for me it means that I have a middle-aged cat, I have a laptop, I have a useless degree - I need to start writing. Every single day. Maybe I should develop a schedule (I don't pronounce it "sheh-jooule"). A lot of the older authors got up early and wrote for an hour or so before they went off to work. One author used to write up a page before he'd even allow himself to go to the bathroom in the morning. To me that sounds like a quick way to end up with a chair you can't use anymore. And maybe the morning isn't the best time. My classes are all super early [9:30 A.M], but maybe i could spend an hour or so writing before I went to sleep.
A page at night before I go to bed (or at least some sort of writing). That way I can keep my "skejooul" and I'll never have to worry about peeing on chairs (we have a shortage here).