Well I don't know why I keep trying to update this stupid thing. Everytime I post and come back to the site my post is gone. Anywho, yesterday I had a property midterm. That was a lot of fun...let me tell you. I'm just getting ready to make dinner tonight. Tonight on the menu, steak fajitas. Anyone that wants to join me feel free. A word of caution though, I make all my own meals so eat at your own risk. Yesterday I had attempted to post a sample question from my property midterm but it didn't work so I guess you get that today. 5 bucks to anyone that posts the correct answer. If you can't figure that out, check out this cool
site. Good luck with the problem.
O conveys Blackacre to A until the Chicago Cubs win the World Series. What estate does A have?
P.S. All work must be strictly the your work without any help from outside sources. I reserve the right to terminate the contest at any time. Open only to legal resdients of the US that were present at the Sunderland's Feb, 6th 2005 and participated in the Superbowl contest. If there is more than one person with the correct answer, winner will be determined by the person that guessed the closest score during the Superbowl contest. For all intents and purposes this contest is completely null and void.