LJ Idol - Season 11 - Week 0

Sep 17, 2019 09:28

Who am I? At my age, you would think there would be an easy answer. Of course, there are the conventional adjectives and descriptors that could be used to sum me up and offer stereotypes that could and likely would pigeon-hole me, but I don’t know that would be the entire truth.

To be honest, I think I’m still working on who I am. There are days when I’m more confused now than I was in my early 20’s just starting out to invent myself and who I should be. And there’s another point - is who I am based on me or who I should be, or better yet, who others want me to be? When I was younger, it was all about who others wanted me to be and who I should be. As I’ve aged, I’m discovering a big “FUCK THAT!” and am trying to be truer to myself.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not in any sort of a mid-life crisis. I’m not totally reinventing myself. I’m just leaning into what I want, what I like, and how I want to represent myself. My belief systems are in a constant state of flux, but I think the core is still in existence. My style is ever changing. My voice is growing stronger. My confidence expanding.  New passions are emerging. Old regrets are fading.

How I wish this had occurred 20 years ago, or even 10. Maybe it did.

ljidol, season 11, week 0

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