LJ Idol Week 12

Feb 01, 2020 13:47

In the quiet of the morning dark

They rise.

Coffee is on to brew.

There’s an excitement in the air

Serving as a better catalyst

To wakefulness

Than caffeine ever could.

Equipment is loaded,

Gas tanks are full.

They are ready to go.

The field is




Decoys are placed,

As breath breaks the stillness

With puffs of vapor.

Blinds are entered,

Now the wait.

Harvested cornstalks

Glisten, pale with frost

As the sun’s fire breaks

The horizon, slowly melding

With the azure sky.

Wildlife awakens

Performing morning


Birds sing,

Deer make their way

To water,

Stopping to nibble on

Fallen kernels of corn.

Ducks and geese fly overhead,

Too far.

Calls are employed

To entice them closer.

Few are fooled.

Shots are fired

When one comes close.

Pellets fly wide

And fowl fly on.

Whispered conversation

Fills the enclosed space

When flocks are not above.

Old stories

Retold for the thousandth time.

Laughter resides

Among fathers and sons.

The skies become quieter,

The sun at its zenith.

There is no harvest today.

ljidol, season 11, week 12, poetry?

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