Sep 09, 2006 11:03
Oh College!!
haha this weekend was pretty much hilarious. Accapella concert on Friday night, then over to Nicks apartment afterwards with all the Musical Theater uppserclassmen, a really small apartment and A LOT of people haha. Got to really meet everyone face to face that night and had a really good convo with Julie. got home not too late, but haha pretty late i suppose.
Then I found Andrew Morrissy!!! whom I love and we practiced and played through "Gimme Gimme" which i am supposed to sing on Wednesday infront of everyone, geez! We had an awesome time and obvioucly played through more songs and then I watched him tap dance a little, which was fun!
The the Rock Star Party at Pams!!! ahhh! so much fun, we all dressed up and obviously looked ridiculous. I had my giant pink dress on and krimped hair and everything. Lots and lots of fun! Didn't get home till like 4 ish....which is totally cool.
Its sunday and I'm in no hurry t be anywhere or do anything, which is great. Today is my cleaning day it think. I'm by far the messiest of my roommates and i think it might be getting on their nerves. eh. Also homework and lots of reading today, maybe a little practicing too. I should also stop by the library at some point as well.
I miss Tyree so so so much. Only 11 days till I see him though:) so so so so so excited!!!
college is going well, I'm making lots of friends and my classes aren't that hard at all yet. Math and humanities is going to be a bitch, i can tell ya that. But I'll survive.
I hope everyones school year is off to a great start, like mine. love love love love