a big bye-bye to 2005 -drama, december, drama-december (did i say drama?)
hello to my happiness fix in 2006! - domaine st michelle extra dry...
making a ninety (yes, 90) hour trip where i shouldn't even be fucking alive now - but the goddess wants me here... for something
pushing on through... finding new strength... burning the past...
- my natural low riders with my past pain scribbled on them inch by inch - going up in flames...
- the may-nov p shirt - the better to get you naked my dear...
- the sheets of email from the shit in nov and dec
- the writing nightmares ......
- the men who don't like me or my lovely breasts "as is" - adorable... ;-)
- those who couldn't show an ounce of human compassion when i
had my final and still needed sleep to get home
- those who provided more drama than a soap - (esp. dec & nov)
new happiness - new people - new life
goddess save leia - long live leia
for those who have stood by me - thank you and goddess bless you
- for p. r. who managed a kick-ass mla panel in dc
- for the three women who worked their asses off to make a success - WE DID IT!!!!
- for the minn trucks who shepherded me for each of the 2371.1 miles - (and especially on the oh/pa turnpikes) thank you :-)
- for the sd salvation army van that pulled me through il/wi rockin at 80-85 thank you
- for whomever got me from exit 1 -so beloit - to the st
croix river -thank you- wi was a blur this time around heading north...
- for the il drivers who kept things cool, real and smooth going 85 to 90 up i-94 on nyeve- thank you
- for the minn driver who guided me through indiana east on i-80 at hours 10, 11 and 12- thankyou
- for the asshole md driver who gave me the shot to bust 105(felt
good too!), & reminded me of why boundaries/downshifting to 4th are impt in life,
w/friends and especially in love- (oh and make cleveland in 15.5hrs) -
thank you
- for those who let me get 2 hr naps to make the trip - cleveland, gb& cols in that order
- for cute guy(60mi from cols oh)who reminded me of what it
is like to be a woman adored by one man - not just for her breasts, but
for who she is - when i hadn't really slept for 3 days - and he found
me sexy - thank you-
- for whomever kept indiana, illinois and especially the wisconsin
cops off the roads 99% of the time (and md cops away 100%of the time)-
thank you
- for the woman who gave me a thermos of coffee for .79 in so beloit at the flying j- keepin' it real... thank you
- for the arsonist/blacksmith who helped me burn the past the excess baggage(220+ pounds) of 2005 - thank you
- for the woman who taught me that actions speak louder than words& how NYE is special -as friends - thank you
- for a hell of two nye/nyday parties- with friends, family and
lots of laughter - comedy & lotr- thank you, thank you, thank
- for a wonderful new ny trad - ritual, laughter, and happiness - so much happiness...
brightest blessings to all - and may we all get our "fix" in 2006!