My Weekend;
Friday- F-ball game w/ Shaina, Alisha, and Nikki. It was cold.
Saturday- Saw Wallace & Grommit w/ Julia, it was cute.
Sunday- Went pumpkin picking w/ the fam. Later went to Ariel's sleepover party. We ate yummy cake, played hide & seek, the future game (I'm married to River Phoenix &Vanilla Ice!!), and watched Stand By Me!!!
Monday- Had a chat w/ Ariel at 3:00 in the morning about our childhood. Doing homework.
Chris: "Who ever said you had a fat one Lachance?"
Gordie: "Biggest one in four counties."
"Have Gun, Will Travel" reads the card of a man. A knight without armor in a savage land. His fast gun for hire heeds the calling wind. A soldier of fortune is the man called, Paladin."