Nov 28, 2004 16:31
on thanksgiving i went to a dam boat yaht and it was good for a while when it was sunny.. but just as i was learning a new trick (nollie backside big spin) it started to rain so i went inside and made a hat that said i am thankful for BUG SPRAY and then i went home wiht my aunt (coolest) and watched elf on the way (best movie) and then i raked leaves and went to the best skatepark ever!!! its in hackettstown NJ and i droped in from a 15 foot halfpipe with 5.6 feet of vert on it and i skated there from 1 ockoock to 10 o clock. that was the best skatepark ever because it was indoors and huge. Then i went home then to bryans then to a soccer tournement and we came in 5th out of 6 teams...ick! and whick brings me here typing..