May 15, 2008 13:58
I just found out that a big, MAJOR client of mine is unable to continue our monthly agreement due to the economy… I just lost $12,000 per year from our bottom line.
I’m freaking out, and trying not to let the kids see it...
I’m working on all the ways we can cut the fat from our budget (we’re trying to sell the small car and making a few other major changes), including small things.
I was hoping some of you (and maybe any of your LJ friends you might think could contribute) could possibly share some ideas for some of your favorite home-cooked, healthy and cheap meals? I try to feed us pretty affordably, but groceries are going up and our income is not - I’d like to reinforce my culinary arsenal. We try not to eat too many preservatives and such, FYI.
Thanks so much.
I’m going to go cry in the bathroom for a minute now.
Love to you.