Jul 14, 2004 12:34
I've decided I am going to take Italian for 2 years after I finish Spanish 3. I mean what else am I going to do? The Counselor already said i was going to have like 2,000 electives And I figure I better learn something ... I know i'm taking Pre-Calculas my senior year... And I need to know other languages for one basic reason *MMC* soooo I figure i can just take the rest over the internet! lol
I'm going to mpact tomorrow with my sister. I'm sure it will be very good. I always liked thier Praise & Worship! :)
*MMC* Its going good!
I've been helping my Grandpa out around the house and with some photo albums. I don't know what i would do without my grandparents they mean a whole lot to me! I love 'em to death!
Luv ya *mwah* bye