I haven't update in a buttlong time (right Dan? hahaha) and so after discussing LJ with Dan at work last night, I feel it necessary. Also, I told Dan I'd mention him in this post, so I'm just gonna right these couple sentences saying Dan a lot because Dan will like it and feel as special as Dan should feel with me writing about Dan this much. :D
Anywho....between French and Math right now, so I'm in an ITAP lab just chillin' and reading LJ's and staring at Facebook. Facebook, now that's something everyone needs to get freakin' obsessed with like me! :D Plus, if you get obsessed, you can be on my friends list and that will make me more obsessed and I will be happy. <3 Hehe. But if you go to
http://www.thefacebook.com you can see if your school is online yet. And if it is SIGN THE FUCK UP BITCHES! Hahahahahaha. I just had to say it that way. A lot more schools are signed up now and I just want more friends. Do you even realize how connected this world is?! It's freakin' bizarre! And do you know how silly and slightly fun it is to get people who are like "be my friend" and then you look at who it is and it's someone you went to high school with three years ago and haven't talked to since but you add them to your friends list anyways because you're so amused. Or maybe that's just me. :)
Well, the boys have had a big CS project...a big month long one that they turn in today. They've all worked really super duper hard and I hope they all get good grades. GOOD LUCK BOYS!!!
Because of the CS project, I haven't got to spend a lot of time with Alex. Especially lately. And it's sad. :( But I get him alllll weekend and I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's gonna take me out on a date on Friday to La Scala and a movie before we go to Lindsay's for her birthday/Halloween party! I'm so excited to spend some time with him by ourselves. :sigh: Baby, I miss you!!!!!! <3 He said I get to pick the movie...so is it I <3 Huckabee's or Napoleon Dynamite? When Alex reads this, he will be upset that I'm asking people, because I need to make decisions by myself, but I just want to see both, so I can't decide which to see now! Hehe. If you've seen either or both, let me know what you thought, because one has to be better than the other and I can just wait for it to come out on DVD. :)
I'm going to be "naughty angel" for Halloween! Hehe. Me and Linds decided on it last night at work. I needed something cheap. So I'm wearing my hot black dress that I got for Julie's wedding and then I'm gonna have big homemade glittery black wings and little horns and a glittery black halo. It will be beautiful. <3 I'm excited about it. I'm gonna take all sorts of pictures because I will look pretty! Yay!
Just some randomness:
-->"Me and my friend were running from the house to campus and we kept running through these random stench pockets! Chicago has sewers everywhere and we don't have random stench pockets!" -Michael Armbrust
-->:as his windows fog up: "Okay! Who's breathing?!" "Sorry, I'm trying to stop." "Yeah, you should definitely work on that!" -Jason Bonta and Alexander Cox
-->I love my friends! <3
-->I really DO have the best boyfriend in the entire universe!!! <3
-->Cross your fingers that I get hired by Barnes and Noble!!! I find out in the next couple days!!! :crosses fingers and toes:
-->Calling rich people sucks!!
-->I won the spirit award! Famous Amos cookies and M&M's for me!
Okay, enough of that. I'm going to go now. I'm surprisingly STARVING and don't have any food. :sigh: And, as usual, do not want to go to Math class. I need to stop skipping that class just because it's SUPER EASY. G'day! I heart you!