Movie Misconceptions

Apr 04, 2007 12:39

When I was little, I had some peculiar interpretations of things that happened in movies. For instance, there is a scene in Little Shop of Horrors where Seymour sings about being trapped in Skid Row while standing behind a chain-link fence. Somehow I got it into my head that he meant this literally. As in, that fence surrounded all of Skid Row, and the people inside were locked in. Maybe I assumed that in a musical about a man-eating plant from outer space, anything was possible. I'm really not sure.

Another example: shortly after I saw The Empire Strikes Back for the first time, I read something which mentioned the Rebels' terrible defeat at the Battle of Hoth. My reaction was, "Defeat? But they got away!" It hadn't occurred to me that getting discovered and having to flee in the first place was a defeat. Or that just because one transport, the main characters, and Wedge Antilles got away, that does not mean everyone else did. Or even that Luke blowing up one AT-AT hardly made a dent in the Empire's forces, whereas the Rebels had fewer people and material (and moreover had to leave a lot of the heavy equipment behind).

Anyone else come up with quirky readings like this as a kid?

movies, interpretation

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