Aug 28, 2004 17:26
It's been quite a while since I've updated.
School starts monday...
I've got one hell of a hard schedule.
I can only imagine Ms Wood for algebra 2..and world lit..i'm not a fan of reading..I'm going to at least try though. It's a new year, a new start for all of my classes.
This semester I have math science ss and next semester is going to be probably not nearly as hard. something to def. look forward too i must say...
unless i dual! :-x
i am excited for online classes though, even though they are said to be harder. it's a pretty cool thing :)
im going to start tutoring, they're going to pay me GOOD money just to be a help with homework, projects and studying. that will be at least 3 days a week plus i want to pick up hours at the manor house. once swimming starts it's going to be choas. school work swim sleep...all week long. but i'm thinking it will DEF be worth it. plus, i'm young =D i should stay busy and do whatever the hell i want to do. :)
i have been working a lot lately and definetley been hanging out with the girls..a whole lot of shopping too! not bad though. and i must say this summer has definetley been one of the best yet. i ♥ my friends because they are just pure awesome. last night was definetley not my night. i've got a lot of decisions made. it's a new school year, a new start, a new beginning for EVERYTHING. i'm going to try my hardest because i know i can do it and all i need is a challenge.
i really can't wait to see ben again. i just want to give him a big giant hug. i can't seem to understand how one person and just rip such a close friendship into pieces. him and i have definetly been through a lot together, and we're still going matter what it takes. tell me that's not SOMETHING. i just love him for who he is. he's just like my big brother. i wouldn't say what we have is exactly a "love" attraction, but we're just like best friends :) we talk about anything and everything. i'm so glad that i got to see him last night and talk to him.
i hope you all have a wonderful night ♥
i'm off to take a shower and head over to julies. out last night of the summer, her kate and i are going to do who knows what. maybe we'll just chill w/ movies and chow down and have a good ole girls night out. screw boys =D