Jun 09, 2005 22:14
Attention: The wisdom teeth have been officially removed.
Two days ago, I stressed over the IV and getting put out and wondering what it would be like to wake up, well, wisdomless lol. Making sure to bring Jenna along with me to the dentist's office, I pretended to act tough and plop myself down into that fateful chair. But, before I knew it, my dad was helping me stand up and walk to our house. I became lost in my own little world of painkillers, and was fully satisfied with the fact that I had absolutely no memory of answering the nurses questions nor discussing the importance of applesauce on the way home, and for the next ten minutes I smiled at my world of mirrored images, for my mom was both to my left as well as to my right, and after about 15 minutes, I not only had 20 fingers, but I suddenly had 4 dogs, too. Since then, I am yet to step outside, my diet consists solely of Jell-O, pudding, mashed potatoes, and Gatorade and I feel as if I've aged 70 years due to the fact that it is impossible to keep my eyes open for longer than 10 min. at a time. An extra-special thank you goes out to Cory (who is the best nurse EVER and who is also a superb pillow), Ajay (who made me laugh so hard and wake up), Alison (who joined me in eating mashed potatoes), and Olivia (who brought me pudding and made me smile after bringing out some embarrassing photos), for helping me recover, even if I may have popped a few stitches from laughing. For the next few days, anyone is welcome over, as long as you are prepared for the fact that I closely resemble a chipmunk. Well, either that or a squirrel whose cheeks have just been stuffed with food. My time on the computer is up, for the drugs are kicking in again and Who's Line is starting and the Jell-O is calling. So long.