Dec 20, 2005 16:14
i have been doing all this stuff and now was the only time i had to finly get it down. i was in our school's(which sucks) perfomance(which also sucks). i saw jelli beans play he was joushp(how in the world do spell that?) theyy did the thing and jesus person was born. skittels and M.O.M saw sickly(i changed jonathon's name because he does look small and sickly and he can be realy rude yet funny and kind........he likes littel kids and he is nice to them) i found out jonathon has a retarded brother(it seems so harsh but its true (sorry world) maybe if we get into a fight (not a "grrr BOOM" fight) i won't call him mom said chris was cute and that i should like him. then i ended up saying that chris said i had a pretty voice (he did say that and i was helping him with with solo work and i had to sing. and he said i sound good and i shound join chrous) ya it was sweet of him and he is kinda cute but... we'er just friends.