Is Christianity a trend?
It's quite interesting how people can proclaim "I'm a good christian.
If you claim you're christian, your suppose to drop things that aren't christian like.
Your Christian but your going out and party-ing?
That doesn't make sense.
For every action there is a consequence
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When most people use the word "sin" what they really mean is "behavior that I personally believe is morally wrong." Thus, it is a means of criticizing others rather then understanding one's self and it becomes a word that divides one group of people from another rather than bringing them together.
As a result, the word "sin" is often used in "sinful" ways to further alienate rather than to increase understanding of or to build the beloved community that, in the teaching of Jesus, is the chief end and purpose of life.
In the Bible it is stated clearly that the excess of anything, physical or material, is in fact “sinful”. “Partying and drinking” is not a clearly stated as a “sin” but it is insinuated that a morally righteous Christian would not to partake in any activities in excess for pleasure.
I'm an avid atheist but I do know enough about the rudimentary fundaments of Christianity to know that you're the one not making sense.
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