
Dec 19, 2010 15:42


✧ NAME: Elly
✧ LJ USERNAME: yume_mori
✧ CONTACT (EMAIL, AIM, MSN, PLURK, ETC.): AIM→ dreamingforests


✧ NAME: Hyuuga Hinata
✧ SERIES: Naruto manga
✧ HISTORY: Here is a useful link, though this is one I wrote myself (for another game) that deals only with her manga canon background up to the point I'm taking her from.
✧ TIMELINE: Chapter 488
✧ PERSONALITY: Hinata is a kind, gentle and shy person. She is very soft-spoken and quiet, though she has learned to speak up for herself and to say what she really means and feels through the years. Though she is better characterized as a timid introverted person who dislikes conflict, and so does her best to avoid it. Conflict being battle, arguments, or any type of fighting.

And because of her quiet and understanding traits, she is quite empathetic, easily identifying with and noticing the pain others are feeling. Yet on the flip side of this, she is lacking in self-confidence (though not as badly as when she was twelve and younger) and still hides her real feelings on matters and people, to a degree. Because of this, she still often has trouble saying what she wants to as she pauses between words and interjects, "Um," at times.

Because of her nature, she is something of a doormat and will agree with someone if just to stop a fight or argument from breaking out. That is not to say she doesn't have a stubborn streak-because she does, though many would not guess it and simply call her a hard-worker-or that she won't fight. She is something of a martial pacifist: while she will do her best to avoid a fight, if she has no other choice or one is threatening her "precious people" then she will fight and put her all into it.

Her lack of self-confidence stems from the heavy burden of being the heiress of her clan that she has carried since her birth. Her clan had a set idea of what the perfect heiress should be, and she did not fit their expectations, and so her title and birthright became a heavy weight that restricted her ability to grow and her faith in herself. However, by the age of sixteen, she has matured greatly and grown into her title. It is no longer a shackle keeping her down, but something to full of potential.

Her motivations are to be acknowledged and wanting to change herself through hard work. She wants to be acknowledged by her father, her clan, and by Naruto; though the ways she wants to be acknowledged by them differ: as a competent heiress, ninja and daughter, and as a person. She has been working on both goals through the entire series and each time she appears, she is shown to have succeeded to some degree. Especially since she received a promotion to chuunin, that shows she has grown enough to take charge of situations, make decisive actions, and be a leader to a degree. On the same note, she is shown to be a traditional person who follows the rules of the ninja world and her nindō, while also showing that she knows when and which to break in certain situations.

The strict laws and traditional nature of her clan is part of the reason why she admires Naruto so much, because she wants to "be like him" and because, to her, he embodies "potential" and "self-confidence". Like so many others in her age-group, and because of the inferiority complex she had toward her younger sister, she is always seeking strength and power and doing her best to better herself. However, because of Naruto's heavy influence, she seeks out power through hard work and determination.
✧ ABILITIES/POWERS: In terms of strength, Hinata is far from being the strongest, fastest or smartest. When compared to others her age, she ranks around the low-middle range in terms of all around ability. Though she is very good in hand-to-hand combat and is one of the more intelligent people of her age group.

Kekkai Genkai→ Byakugan (Lit. White Eye)
The byakugan allows its user to "see through everything" and easily understand the principles behind chakra circulation and use. It can see straight through immediate objects, anything situated remotely ahead/behind/sideways, and through a body to its "acupuncture network" through which chakra circulates, along with the apertures that are used to release chakra from the body: the "chakra openings". With this sight, one can collapse the chakra network of an opponent and render them incapable of using any chakra. The byakugan also grants its user near three-hundred-and-sixty degree vision-it has a small blind spot on the back of the user's neck just above the third thoracic vertebra. Hinata has been shown to have developed her byakugan to the point of being able to see around ten (10) km (around 6 miles) in one direction. Whether or not she can see farther than this is unexpanded on, but it's implied that she might be able to see farther.

Martial Arts→ Jyūkenhō (Lit. Gentle Fist Style)
In the case of Hinata, she uses Jyūkenhō to damage not only an opponent's internal organs, but to damage their chakra network through hand-to-hand combat. The Jyūkenhō the Hyūga practice is a combination of the Chinese martial arts Baguazhang and Tai Chi Chuan, the Japanese philosophy of Taoism, and Acupressure. It is neither a striking martial art nor a grappling martial art, but a combination of the two that emphasizes following the motion of an incoming attack and disrupting the natural flow of the opponent through pushing hands.

Jyūkenhō attacks utilize the user's entire body through smooth coiling and uncoiling actions, hand techniques used to close chakra apertures by injecting their own chakra into their opponent's chakra system, dynamic footwork and throws, and spherical movements.

Through training, a practitioner increases their natural flexibility and learns proper body alignment. Because of this, users are able to fight multiple opponents at once as they flow between opponents and attacks, which make Jyūkenhō users quite skilled in evasion and sneaking behind their opponent. Pushing hands then comes in from here, as empty-/open-handed hits and pushes are used to disrupt the opponent's center of gravity and collapse chakra openings.

The principles behind this style of fighting coupled with the byakugan allow for a practitioner to not only easily use any weapon, but to literally be a weapon capable of killing with a simple touch.
→Jūho Sōshiken (Lit. Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists)
This is apparently a unique Jyūkenhō attack Hinata has developed. Using chakra she has released through the palms, Hinata molds it into a large lion-shaped shroud around each hand and through spherical attacks thrusts it toward an opponent. Its damage is never seen in the manga, but the anime allows one to presume it can temporarily stun an opponent when hit.

Chakra→ in the world of Naruto, is what is necessary to use any techniques other than taijutsu. Through kneading the physical and mental energy contained in the body's 130,000,000,000,000 cells (or so) into chakra, and then converting it into jutsu through the use of hand seals. Only when done correctly can one use jutsu, or even to enhance physical abilities.

Every ninja, in Konoha at least, has the same set of basic skills granted through chakra use:
Adhesion/Repelling→ Through constant concentration and coating of chakra along the soles of the feet (or palms of the hand, or through any part of the body), a ninja can "stick" themselves to a solid surface like a tree, wall, or ceiling. Alternatively by expelling chakra through any part of the body, they can create enough force to stand on top of non-solid surfaces, such as bodies of water. This allows Hinata to tree-, wall-, ceiling-, and water-walk.
Henge no Jutsu/Transformation Technique→ A basic jutsu that allows the user to transform themselves or another into the appearance of another person, object or animal.
Bushin no Jutsu/Clone Technique→ A basic jutsu that creates an intangible copy of the user; the clones are usually illusions and will dissipate when touched, and the byakugan and sharingan can see through them.
Kawarimi no Jutsu/Body Replacement Technique→ A basic jutsu that allows the user to quickly replace their body with another object within reach the moment an attack hits.

✧ PLACE OF SOLACE: The third training ground. It's the place where nearly all shinobi of Konoha have trained at with their teams.


✧ FIRST PERSON: [There are sounds of someone messing around with the Portal, clearly trying to figure out how it works, soon followed by a sigh.]
This... I don't understand. There is nothing like this in Konoha... An-and I can't be...the only one from home here, right? I-I mean, it just wouldn't make any, um, sense. Then again, none of this makes sense.

[Another sigh is recorded, and the feminine voice turns sad and shaky.]

Whoever is behind this... I-I'm sorry, but I can't be here right now. My teammates...they must be worried so close to-to the war. So I-I can't stay here. Home...that's where I need to be now. This seems like a...a nice place, but I...why would you even want me?
✧ THIRD PERSON: It seemed like any other morning when Hinata woke up. Even though it was brighter and warmer than what she was used to so late in the year, but she didn't pay any attention to that for a while because the bed was soft and warm, and it felt like the beginning to one of those lazy mornings-

-Except she didn't have lazy mornings. And the sun? It definitely shouldn't be so high in the sky, normally she would have already been awake. And she was certain she had team training scheduled for this morning; Kiba and Shino must be worried.

'Why did no one wake me if it's so late... I must have missed breakfast already, too.' She rolled over onto her stomach with a heavy sigh, and buried her face in her pillow instead of dwelling on that thought for long. With her face pressed into the soft fabric, she opened her eyes and just laid there, breathing softly through her nose.

And then it hit her.

She didn't have an actual bed, but a futon. Nor were her pillows so fluffy.

With ninja-trained speed, she jumped into a sitting position, but seriously miscalculated the size of the bed. She landed in a tangled heap on the floor with a soft, "Ow."

Though she appeared to have her eyes barely open, the veins around her temple where bulging as she took in this new place. There was only one thing she knew for certain-"This...isn't Konoha."


[ooc] application, [game] ilpromenade, !disabled

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