Accounting Class Is Over - Bye Bye Mikey =(

Dec 08, 2004 11:17

"i want my sweater back cuz im probably not gonna see u after this class.."

awww! im gonna miss mikey soo much. even though the past few days he's been acting completely weird, i still love him. this is a semeseter i will never ever forget. =\ ya i made dumb mistakes but hey, who doesnt?? mike made class so much fun - just making me laugh every 2 seconds. randomly calling the guy next to us steven segal cuz of his hair or the girl with hair that looked like janet jackson..telling me that the girl kristen has a big ass...and saying how he wants to grab the fat girls roll that's as big as her boobs and shake it around. lol! or scribbling on my paper to write "i love u! let's hang out tonight!" just random doodling..funny stuff like that. ya accounting class was officially over today. we just have the final next wednesday. yikes!! im totally scared. class was fun, but it was so fun that i barely paid any attention!

anyway, today i work from 2-7. gosh i hate going to work. every single day it's such a drag. but i have a little bit of a vacation for christmas. i dont work the 24th, 25th, and 26th. 3 day weekend!

scott peterson trial is addicting. im off to watch and then take a nap cuz im a little sleepy. xoxoxoxo

<3, drea
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