Oct 02, 2005 01:18
Literally. I had to go to work
today at 7:30 (what a load of you-know-what) so that I could groggily
sniffle around the department until 9:30 when the first customer
wandered by. As if getting up and going to work at such an hour wasn't
bad enough, I was sick today.
Yes, Robin is sick. Write it down
in the record books. I don't get sick often, but today I was just
gross. I was sniffing and snot was running down the back of my throat
and making me cough, and I had to sneeze constantly...and there were no
tissues of any sort in the departnment. I was a mess; I felt sorry for
the people I waited on. Ex: "Hello *sneeze!* sniffle* ugh, can I help
you with anything, ma'am? *SNIFF!" Since Mandy and Faisal were both
there, I got to go home an hour early. It was for the best.
I called my mom on the way home,
and she said that it was fine if I quit Penney's because of school.
Sweet. So I've resigned, and my last day to work will probably be the
13th of October unless they desperately need me a few days after that.
It's not that I don't like Penneys...it just isn't convenient right now.
Once I got home, Erik made
me minestrone soup (my absolute favorite) and brought me milk, and I
napped for a few hours, just like a real sick person should. Then, I
got up and we went shopping.
I spent too much, got the
fifth FMA disc and put a reservation down on the sixth, bought some
cheap, much-needed bras and underwear, and almost killed some stupid
folk at Costco for not getting their carts and their fat-ass selves out
of my way fast enough.
Then I watched the last
five episodes of Wolf's Rain and cried until my eyes hurt. It was all I
could do to keep watching. Damn Tony for letting me watch it. It was
good, it was compelling, it was...heartbreaking, all over the place.
What is it about me that
lets me ball my eyes out for the pain of other people, even (as Jamie
would point out) fake people, but I never really cry about anything
going on in my own life? Books and movies can bring me to tears with
relative ease, but I can't really remember the last time I cried
because of something in my own life...except for when Dennis, that
fucktard, drunkenly raged at me over the phone, and then I think I was
just angry and had no other outlet. I think it means that I have good
empathy...hell of a catharsis, too.
I want to go see Serenity again. I dreamed it all last night. Bizarre.