Moving This Weekend

Aug 30, 2007 12:15

I can't wait to move this weekend. I know it's going to exhausting and frustrating and drawn-out, and I'll have to juggle Erik and my grandmother's birthdays in between, but I just can't wait. I've been living with the boys so long that their apathy and laziness is starting to seep into my soul. I can't stand it. I never want to do anything any more, and I feel disorganized and like I have no place that is really my own.

I'm weird about space. I need my own personal living space, or it's like I can't rest. Now, Erik and the guys have been ridiculously welcoming and have allowed me to crash at their place for months now, so I'm not complaining, but no place in this house feels like it's really mine. I can't wait to get all my crap from Bremerton together, including but not limited to about 700 lbs of books and clothing from God knows how long ago, and have everything in one place. I'm tired of feeling like my possessions and therefore a little piece of my life are spread out, strung out in four different places and packed away in various stages of chaos. I need reorganize my crap, and along with it, my mind.

I feel like after this weekend, I'll be in a much better place mentally after I clear away all the detritus I've accumulated over the past 6 years or so.

And I won't be cleaning up after three other disgusting, filthy people, which is bound to be a balm for my nerves.

I wish it was Friday so I could hurry up and start all this already. Wish me luck driving a gigantic U-Haul back up to Bellingham. Woot.

Oh, and also for all of you who've been kind of trying to hang out recently and I've just stayed home, I think I'll feel a lot more like doing stuff after I move. Something about the boys' house just makes me want to sit and do nothing everyday, forever. Blah.

Guess I should go to work.

home, stuff, moving

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