Sep 30, 2006 00:57
So, I liked givemeathimble's suggestion, so I took her advice.
I just bought a ticket for Seoul, South Korea, for next Sunday afternoon. That's the 8th. I'm going to go there and go to their office. I'm sending them an email today letting them know that I've purchased my ticket, so they've got a week to prepare. And so do I. Once I get there (if I can't get my work visa from the consulate like Fuller suggested...I'm going to try that first...) I'll have a tourist visa that will last a few months. CDI, the company I'm working for, can either foot the bill for me to go out of the country to get a work-visa (you can't get a visa for a country from inside it...I'd have to go out...probably to Japan or somewhere close) or they can have me work under a tourist visa, which is technically illegal. Of course, then I could get up-close and personal experience at being an illegal migrant worker. -)
Seriously, though. This is chancy and risky and scary...and I'm thrilled. Thanks, Jamie. I'm going to have an adventure. And now I can tell people something when they ask me when I'm leaving. The only difference between the old plan and this one is that no one will be meeting me at the airport...I'm going to hunt them down.
I'm going to need some Korean currency, I have to change the title on my car, cancel my phone contract, get a tourist visa, and get some damn birth control. And then, I'm out.