Picture and quiz time!
Here's me and Andy after we finished our hockey game. Whew, I'm disgusting and sweaty. It was a good run.
Here's me, Brandon, Chiho and Dan (NSCS represent!) at the AS End of the Year Awards Banquet. We're looking smug. Aren't we hot?
And here's what Chiho has decided to call the Ancien Regime...the three of us together.
Here's the award that NSCS won: best honor society on campus, yeah!
And here's the whole NSCS group that was there (Annie was there for Dems, but she's a member, so whatev'. -) )
In case you were wondering, the theme was black and white, so I took all the pictures in black and white. Neat, huh?
Best quotes of the evening:
"And now for the important award...oh, wait, I mean, well, the most important...no, um, you're all important of course...aw, man. It's the suit!"- Nate
"And the award for most successful event goes to--"
"Senate hotdog feed!"- Chiho
"And the award for best publicized club event goes to--"
"NSCS Coin Drive!"- Robin
"Why do you love to get involved?"
"I'm hungry for power."- Robin
"Hey, Senate table, quiet down!" -Nate, to us while we were laughing at him.
"Well, being the legislative liason isn't really a sexy job...although he might think that it is..." -Shannon, referring to Nick Cizek.
"CAN you dance any harder than that?! I almost died!" -Victor (while giving a 'speech' after accepting a raffle prize)
It was fun. Chiho ate more garlic bread than any human being should be able to, I wore hooker shoes, there was great bluegrass music, and in general the evening was fun. Now, I should start my work. Maybe.