Sep 14, 2004 23:10
I know it's been a while since a real update. I'm sorry, not really, but I hope that makes you feel better.
Ok...Friday, Tarpon vs. East Lake game. It was on our field, so naturally we lost, even though it was technically an away game. Who cares? Our halftime performance kicked arse! And, what was up with those props Tarpon had? it's like 50 billion unfinished walls. I wonder if the judges would take off points for the props "not being done", even though they really are. haha! That'd be sooo funny, even though it won't happen. BOO! I did, however, enjoy the image of Tarpon's band 'behind bars', there was a time in their show where the walls were surrounding them. And, I was like, haha! they're trapped! But...anywhoooooo, after the game Shannon, Skilan, Joe's dad, Joe, and I went to Ken-Taco! w00t! And me and Skilan fought over the parfait! I WON! yay! but, I had to surrender a portion of my chicken strips. I took a long time to eat, it was pretty funny. One of the seniors in my german class was there, cause he works there, but he wouldn't give us free food. We talked with him, though. He's nice. RED HAIR! HE'S AWESOME! Yup...Saturday, we had a practice 9-3. But, I accidentally turned off my alarm clock and didn't wake up. Mr. Stansberry called at around 9.30. Of coarse, my mom answers and yells for me to wake up! I was like...oh it's 9.30...that's nice. So, I ended up being an hour late to practice, and I had to run a lap. I also didn't have enough time to put on sun screen, and I got burnt to a CRISP! Literally, I'm like, almost pinkish purple it's so red. After practice, I got Megan and Matt to run with me. And, then I ate my popsicle! It was blue! ^.^ When I got home I slept for 3 hours. Sunday, I had to be at church at 3, and I got there at 3.30. I'm a Teen Facilitator for the confirmation class!!! squee!!! But, I was at church for a total of 7 hours, and it felt GREAT! No band kids in my group. BOO! But, Joe M. (sax.) is in Caroline's group (for those who don't know her, she's a Junior on Guard!). And, I dunno whose group Tara was in. Then, we went to church and I sat inbetween Joe and Suzi, and I made Joe sing! haha! Then we went bowling, I didn't have socks, so when I came home I washed my feet. I ordered fries, and someone else STOLE 'em when I wasn't there to pick 'em up! But, the lady was nice and gave me my fries anyways. I came in 4th place out of 5th in bowling (Tara came in last). It was so awesome! There were 5 people in our group...all band kids! Suzi, Caroline, Tara, Joe, and me! It was awesome! And we all had Emmert names, except Tara, XP! Suzi was Grant, Caroline was Gretta, Tara was Tara, Joe was Stansberry, and I was Baby X (baby x is now Katarina, but it's sorta an inside joke, and the name's just stuck with me in bowling). THAT NIGHT WAS SO FUN! Monday, no school because hurricane Ivan was supposed to hit us, but didn't. So, I just slept and did World History homework. My dad took me out to lunch to McDonald's, and the whole family ended up going. Then me and my mom did some homework, and dropped off some band stuff, and went to Starbucks, and went home and did homework.
I can't write about today, because I'm not supposed to be on the computer and I'm gonna get in trouble.
Peace Out.