Jul 01, 2004 07:21
the good news is its warm enough that the sun filters in my room in the morning and wakes me up, but for now ........heres
friday- chiodos brothers, saw a lot of people i never see, and a lot of people i see every day (aka the big boy regulars) that was cool, afterwords steph and i got some taco bell yeah, it was good times
saturday- got up went to the skate thing in brighton, got to see ettison clio, talked to james / got their new demo thing, its really erffin good, but i missed actually seeing hate the radio second time in 2 days b/c the suicide girls was later........but wait, first i went to howell with my parents for the balloonfest.......my dad sat in front of the roasted nuts shack and counted how many people bought the friggin things in 1 hour........lame, 88 did, and 54 people bought drinks if anyone wants to know.....grabbed my stuff for the suicide girls, steph and becky and i went, we had to change in the bathroom at the mall cuz we didn't really have anywhere else to do so, it was fun though, becky drove the rest of the way there so i could shave, we were quite the sight....we get there find mere and mel, talk to them and such, this guy comes over to us, hes all hey......ummmm, did i take your senior pictures to steph and i and we're like ummmmmm.......YEAH!! you did, hi, how are you...the bands weren't great the first sucked the second was decent for a girl but i mean, yeah....the show was friggin amazing though and i want to learn how to strip while hula hooping like whoa, so if anyone can help me out with this, yeah, after that we went to dennys and that was fun...i have some hottass pics, but my didgital isn't really working to put pics on my computer right now so......be on the lookout in the near future, but for now, no can do.......sunday i worked, yeah,the computers were broke and it sucked, i did get asked to go disc golfing that day so that was exciting.....after work i hung out with fritz for awhhile and watched die hard with a vengence, actualyl a really good movie by the way
monday tues weds i worked and hung out with steph, brad decided that i am sooo hott and such and the computer got fixed, then broke again......joe is cheap, one day i had to go to waterford at 930 am , not happy
wednesday- stephanie and i got up early, went to my orthodontist,good news, no braces good news retainer to fix it,then we went to borders to wait for katie, got some essentials, went to south lyon, deep image, stephanie got her nose pierced, they had to do it twice so she got 10 bucks knocked off, and i got my shamrock, again, i have pics, however, my computer is the suck...it didn't hurt really at all, i mean it felt but nothin big...went to my sisters, worked at 5, didn't wanna be there, brad gave his bros the hand shake and me a hug, so yeah, i dunno, i was told i was fired b/c someone saw termination papers on the desk, and i flipped out and got all shaky and such, turns out it was for angie donovan and so then i was still paranoid but not as bad, the end of the night came and i didn't get FIRED!!!! way happy, steph colleen and i went to red robin hung out ate, our waitress was like you work at STARBUCKS!!! and i was like ummmm.....used to but yah, went to stephs hung out, went to go home and found her stowaway brother and cousin, talked to them for a few, then came home......the end