Welcome to the Hellmouth

Sep 30, 2008 18:18

Name or Nickname: Pip
Age:(at least verify if over 13 if you don't want to give your age) I'm closer to Giles' age than any of the Scoobies
Gender: *checks* yep, female

Likes: animals, Pansy, fantasy, sci-fi, sarcasm, little Jersey boys, hobbits, glam rock, beaches, dragons, books, Converse, ripped jeans, photography, obnoxious tshirts, Renaissance faires, the Millenium Falcon, Manhattan, astronomy, platform boots, wicca, and more
Dislikes: cauliflower, bad drivers, bugs, swimming in the ocean, preppy clothes, Crocs, living too far from civilization, self centered people, aliens...
Strengths: kind, caring, generous, loyal, determined, sarcastic, intelligent, honest, outpoken, individual
Weaknesses: procrastination, worrying, anxious, lazy, packrat, argumentative, confrontational, picky, stubborn, depressive
Hobbies: read, watch tv or movies, talk to friends, waste time on the net, play with my furkids, artwork, guitar, spend money I don't have lol
Pet Peeves: cruelty to animals, people who think the world is all about them, disrespect, ignorance, stupidity, people with zero logic, people who are judgemental, intolerance
Favourites (colour, food, music, etc.):
Colour: Purple and Black.
Food: pancakes, filet mignon, pasta, sugar cookies
TV: mostly cancelled stuff like Roar, Farscape, Firefly, Buffy, Angel, Northern Exposure. Also like House, Dr. Who, Boston Legal, Bones, Lost, and I *LOVE* Little Britain.
Movies: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Sweeney Todd, Star Wars, Star Trek, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, the Fifth Element - and anything with Gary Oldman in it, Labyrinth, Practical Magic, Braveheart, The Dark Knight, many many more
Books: Mists of Avalon, Harry Potter, anything by Pamela Des Barres, Dragonlance, Tolkien
Music: My Chemical Romance, Def Leppard, Pencey Prep, Queen, Heart, LeATHERMOUTH, John Waite, the Distillers, Matchbox Twenty....

What do you consider to be the driving force or main goal in your life? Animals. It would seem I am destined to be owned by them, to work with them, my whole life revolves around them. I share my house with six, and am a pet sitter by trade. My ultimate goal is to have a critter bed and breakfast type establishment.
What do you consider to be some of your worst fears? Spiders. Losing a loved one, be it two legs or four. Aliens. Dying in a gory and brutal way.
Briefly describe what sort of person you are/were in school: I was never in the "in" crowd. When I was in school there were three groups - the jocks/cheerleader types, the academics/nerds, and the outcasts. I was the latter. I hung out with the guys in bands, and the kids who cut class to go to parties.... I was a bad girl, I suppose. lol
What would you consider your "personal style"?: Uhh...comfy? I don't really have one. Day to day I usually wear jeans, chucks, tshirts, hoodies. When I dress up I general go for the gypsy kind of look, like Stevie Nicks type dresses. I really don't see myself as having a "style".

Outgoing or shy? Depends on the situation. A little of both, but lean toward shy.
Quiet or outspoken? Generally outspoken.
Mature or immature? hahahaha I plead the fifth! Mature where it matters. How's that?
Forgiving or vengeful? Vengeful. I can hold a grudge forever and never forget being wronged.
Impulsive or cautious? I can be a bit of both.
Day or night? Night, without question.
Realistic or idealistic? Hmm. I'm both, but I think I lean more to the idealistic.
Optimist or pessimist? See above. I fight pessimism.
Leader or follower? Depends.

Favourite Buffy character? (Can be major, minor, etc.) Wow. Hard to nail that down to just one. I am smitten by Oz and Tara though.
Favourite Buffy episode? Hush
LEAST favourite Buffy character? (Can be major, minor, etc.) Riley.
LEAST favourite Buffy episode? Seeing Red. I bawl every time.
Imagine that you have just moved to a new town. Now imagine that town happens to be on top of a Hellmouth. How would you react? I go out and look for vamps.

You are out walking alone at night, and a vampire jumps out at you! What do you do? Hmm. That depends. If it's Spike or Angel, whatever they want. xD

If you, as yourself, were in the Buffyverse, what sort of being do you think you'd be (regular human, witch, slayer, watcher, vampire, demon, etc.)? Witch. No question.

Pictures of yourself? (optional):

How did you find this community? Link from another stamping comm, I think - Lord of the Rings if I remember right.

Anything else? *tap tap tap* Computer says no.... *cough*

stamped - willow

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