Who: Michael, Ming, Anna, Vito, Nica, Katie, Tina
Where: Sunset
When: December 15
Malone was on stage, performing his new song for the Gothly set.
Nica was munching onion rings.
Ming sat at her usual table, working on what looked like a paper mache vampire.
Katie was settled at Nica's table, having invited herself to sit there. "So what's up?"
Michael was also at said usual table, watching Ming amusedly.
"Stupid art projects," Ming said. "Does this look like a vampire? I think his head is funny shaped."
Tina was sitting with Katie and Nica, because Katie was there.
Anna headed in, and towards Ming and Michael.
"Not much ... audition thing today," Nica said. "Sherry kicked ass, I have no idea how I did."
Ming looked up from the decoupaging and waved a gluey hand. "Hey..."
Vito was heading in with the Anna, and followed her to the Ming and Michael table.
"Hey... why the paper mache vampire?" asked Anna
Michael nodded to both of them. "It's entertaining."
"Well, at least you were brave enough to try, right?" Katie said.
"It's an art project," Ming said. "We had to make something out of paper mache."
"Oh..." Anna nodded "Did you have fun with it?"
"Yep!" Nica grinned. "And how are things with you?"
"Kinda," Ming said. "I'm not finished yet - his head is a funny shape and I'm trying to fix it."
"They're alright," Katie said. "It's my night off."
"Hmm..." Anna looked at the mache vampire. "I have no idea how to fix that. More newspaper?"
"I was thinking of just ripping the side of his head off, adding a little red paint, and calling him a zombie instead," Ming said, contemplating.
"That would work, I think." Anna said
Ming used her thumb to cave in the side of the paper vampire's head, effectively transforming it into a zombie. "Ta da!"
"Was the audition hard?" Tina asked Nica
"Not really, no. We had to read somethign we'd prepared, then do a cold-reading of something they gave us to read."
Michael applauded, amused.
Tina glanced up at Malone, on stage. "That's the new music teacher. He's pretty talented. He even gave me song writing tips."
Nica eyed the maiming of the papier mache vamp. " ... I take it she didn't know you can, like, sand it and shape it when it's dry, and stuff?"
"Thank you, thank you..." Ming held up her art project and made it take a bow.
Anna clapped for her friend
"Really? Neat..." Katie peered.
"But the smushed head thing works, too," Nica said.
"Take this place in which we exist, but fear living," Malone sang, up on stage. His normal shyness seemed somewhat lessened by performing, though he didn't look up at the audience hardly at all. "Call it anything but beautiful."
"Yeah. I'm glad that this new teacher actually knows his stuff. The old one couldn't tell the difference between a pentatonic and a heptatonic scale." said Tina
"What? Who has hepatitis?" Nica asked.
Ming overheard that and called to Nica "They didn't get it from our kitchen!"
Clive was lounging up at the bar, trying to leer, but really just looking kinda grumpy.
"Music scales." Tina explained "Pentatonic has five pitches. Heptatonic has seven."
"Oh," Nica said.
"The sun will rise and set," sang Malone, his fingers deftly moving over the strings of his accoustic guitar. "The trees will absorb your carbon, whether or not they want to."
Ming looked up from the paper mache zombie she was making, and glanced over at the stage. "You know, this guy is pretty good for not having a band."
Vito nodded. "Yeah, his lyrics are really good. He looking to start a band, do you know?"
"I don't know- he doesn't really talk a lot," Ming said. "The guy he's with did all the arangements for him to perform - he's sitting over there by the stage," Ming said, pointing to Wolf in the distance.
"V, it's the guy and the other guy." Anna said
Michael nodded. "Sort of ominous."
"Ah, okay," Vito said.
Ming looked at Anna, wondering if she was speaking English.
"Guy and other guy what?" Ming asked.
"Goddamnit, whoever keeps grabbing my ass---!" Cinderella shouted, to the amusement of nearby patrons. "These are not communal property!"
Ming looked up in the direction of the dispute.
Cinderella glared around a few moments, then stalked for the kitchen, rubbing her butt. Goddamn weirdos.
"You think it's the same person?" asked Tina, to Katie
"Maybe... I didn't see anyone, but..." Katie began, frowning.
"The OSI guy." Anna said "And the guy that is always with him."
"There's oxygen enough to breathe on cloudy days, far from the smoggy streets of LA..." Malone sang, changing the line slightly from what he'd earlier written. He was always mentally editing his songs, especially when he performed them.
"Oh, yeah- I thought you knew that," Ming said. "We met them at your house, remember?"
"Well, I wasn't paying attention to him at first." Anna said "Then I looked on stage, and recognized him."
"Oh- yeah, he looks different performing, doesn't he? Like... more functional or something," Ming said, agreeing with Anna's assement of things.
"Less spazzy," Michael siad.
"There's a sharp contrast between the bullet casings and the spread of our silk sheets," Malone sang, the strum of his guitar growing discordant as he dropped into a darker theme. "I can trace the metal line from your hand to your heart."
"Much." agreed Anna
Ming applied some red paint to her paper mache zombie, then set it aside to dry. "There.. I better get a good grade on this. Why do they give us these projects right before the break?"
"Cruel and unusual punishment." Anna said
"Because teachers hate students," Michael agreed.
"I'm going to go wash my hands," Ming said. She got up and kissed Michael on the forehead on her way to the bathroom.
Michael nodded. "Alright, dear."
"Pull the trigger and we'll dance," Malone sang, wrapping up the song. "Pull the trigger and we'll dance. My heart in your hands... my hands in your heart..."
Ming washed up, got about halfway across the room, then screamed. "EEEEeee!"
Michael looked up, and headed thataway, immediately.
Anna followed the Michael.
Ming looked around, an annoyed and surprised look on her face. "Someone grabbed me," she said, though she couldn't say quite who it was.
"Ok. We definitly should talk to Micheal about this." Tina said to Katie, getting up
Michael glared about.
"Okay... next person that starts laughing loses a hand," he grumbled.
"I feel violated," Ming said, rubbing her butt.
Katie nodded, and got up to follow.
"Michael... we need to talk to you, because no way is this a conincidence like I thought." Tina said, heading over to Michael
Malone looked nervous about all the screaming and decided to finish his set early, and rather abruptly as he climbed right down off the stage, over the table, and into a seat beside Wolf. "Done," he said.
Wolf nodded. "You did good."
"Go on," Michael said, looking cranky.
Malone smiled shyly at the praise, and reached for Wolf's hand. "Did I? Did you like the new song?"
"Well, Katie has said a couple of times that someone pinched her, but she didn't see anyone, and earlier, someone pinched Cinderella." Tina said
"And Katie didn't see anyone then, either."
"It sounded good," Wolf said, squeezing his hand. "Looked like people liked it."
"Hm." Michael frowned. "Well, I haven't seen anyone casting anything, but..."
"It kind of felt like magic when I was dancing with Katie." Tina said "But you have wards, right?"
"Yeah, it's supposed to nerf any sort of high-powered whatsit," Michael said.
Michael took a moment to ponder the relative power level of remote assgrabbery. "Hm."
"I might try performing here more often," Malone said. "It's not so bad, really. Not as scary as like.. the Bronze or anything. That place freaks me out."
"It's better than the Pink Kitty, right?" Wolf said.
"I can't believe someone has nothing better to do with their time than to grab asses," Ming said grumpily.
"Yes," Malone answered imediately.
"Pervs." Anna grumbled "I feel the need to kick some ass."
"Agreed." Michael looked annoyed.