Who: Skylar, Cassie, Nica, Lizzie, Larry, Mandy, Wes, Jonathan, Warren, npcs, Laili, Andrew, Tina, Meredith, Mandy, and other people
Where: Skylar's back yard
When : Saturday!
What: Wedding (afterwards and reception in Tags)
To anyone who'd never seen it before, it would appear that Skylar's backyard had been made specifically for a wedding.
Seeing that everyone was accounted for and sitting, young Cassie Allen walked out to where the makeshift altar stood.
Wearing a white and blue dress, the sweet young blonde cleared her throat into the microphone. "Um... hello?"
Nica was sitting near the back row in a dark blue dress, kind of wishing she had popcorn.
Lizzie was seated in the audience, and Laili was wherever mothers-of-the-groom should be.
Jonathan was fidgeting with his tux.
Wes was waiting with Gwen to walk her down the aisle.
Warren was lurking wherever he was supposed to be lurking, adjusting his glasses to make sure they were recording properly.
"Since this is kinda nothing like a normal wedding... both brides are going to have individual entrances. First... the Best Man and the groomsmen will enter."
Cassie smirked and giggled. "Then the 'Groom' will make her way down, followed by the Bride with her bridesmaids."
Danni was dressed all in green, and checking her watch. The things she did for fifty dollars.
Cassie motioned to the aisle, and grinned. "So, without further ado, I give you the Groomsmen!"
Jonathan looked nervous, since that was the cue for him, Andrew, and Warren to make their way down.
He walked with as much dignity as he could muster, looking for Catherine in the audience and hoping she thought he looked cool in his tux.
Warren grinned and followed suit, humming to himself as he went.
Andrew followed Jonathan, just trying to not trip over his own feet.
Catherine waved to Jonathan from the audience.
Once all three groomsmen were in place, everyone grew quiet, waiting for the arrival of the 'groom'. Gwen was always known as a wild child... but this was bound to be a beautiful,serene moment for the girl... one that she would surely take seriously...
Her arrival was announced by the sudden blaring of Tupac's "Hit Em Up", as Gwen walked out to the top of the aisle, giving a goofy grin and flashing the "west side" symbol with her hands.
She wore a sharp black tuxedo, and a mob-like black fedora.
And they wonder why I doubt this will last, Warren thought to himself.
Danni raised an eyebrow in amusement as she got a good look at the other half of 'here comes the bride', and considered doubling her rates, effective five minutes ago.
Wesley walked down the ilse with Gwen, proud to be with her, even if he thought that the gang signs looked rather silly.
Laili smiled, and took some pictures of them heading down the aisle. She was photographing from her seat.
Gwen finally got to the altar with Wesley, and gave him a bright smile, kissing him sweetly and mouthing the words 'thank you'.
Wesley smiled back at her, kissing her on the cheek before taking his own seat.
Tina was now nervous. She would just head down when it was her time, and hold on to the flowers tightly. Her dress was a simple, marine blue halter neck, like all of the other bridesmaids.
Up next were the bride's side of things. Lydia, Skylar's sister, walked out first, being the maid of honor. Following her would be Tina, then Meredith, all dressed in the same marine blue dresses.
Finally, out walked Skylar in her simple white dress, which went down to her ankles and had a sweetheart neck line. She walked out with her father, all to the tune of "Nothing Else Matters," by Metallica.
"You look quite different when your face isn't buried in my crotch," Danni murmured just loudly enough for Gwen to hear.
Gwen took a few moments to just.... take in Skylar. She looked like an absolute vision. Gwen felt her eyes tear up slightly, and mouthed the words "You're beautiful..." to her bride.
Then she looked at the minister, and blinked. "Holy shit. From grindin' your shit all up in my grill to doing marraiges? Girl of many talents."
"You're quite fetching yourself," Skylar said to Gwen after her father sat down.
"Only returning the favor -- so by that logic, you owe me a wedding later," Danni commented quietly, before moving to check the mic.
Skylar just grinned at the exchange between Gwen and the minister.
"Beloved and bedeviled, we are gathered here today to witness the union between Josephine Skylar James and Gueneviere Gretchen Morrison, two lovers whose bond transcends all obstacles," Danni began.
Gwen wasn't sure if it was really kosher to do during the ceremony... but she didn't care. As Danni spoke, she reached out and clutched Skylar's hand, holding it lovingly.
Mere herself managed to not giggle at finding out Gwen's long hated middle name. She just kept smiling, though.
Danni did not immediately reach out and spank Gwen's hand like one might treat a dog licking its genitals, so presumably it was alright.
Skylar smiled at Gwen and squeezed her hand back.
"You have all come here to share in this formal commitment they make to one another, to offer your love and support to this union,and to allow Josephine and Guinevere to start their married life together surrounded by the people dearest and most important to them."
Jonathan couldn't believe Gwen's full name, but he managed not to laugh.
"They welcome all of you for your presence here today, and now ask for your blessing, encouragement, and lifelong support for their decision to be married."
As Danni spoke, Gwen took time out from her sweet smile to give EVERY ONE of her friends a 'laugh at my name and you die' glare.
Danni continued, "Marriage is the most challenging adventure of a human relationship. No ceremony can truly create a marriage.
Tina was not going to laugh at Gwen's name. She wasn't all that fond of her own name, so she would be fair.
Andrew himself had no intention of laughing at Gwen's middle name. He had one that was much worse, so he could relate.
Nica giggled shamlessly.
"Only you can do that," she warned Gwen and Skylar, "through love and patience, through dedication and perseverance, through talking and listening, through helping and supporting, through tenderness and laughter, through learning to forgive, learning to appreciate your differences, and learning to make the important things matter and let go of the rest.
"Aww," Laili said, squeezing Wes's hand.
Wesley squeezed Laili's hand back and smiled. This really had turned out well, so far.
What this ceremony can do is to witness and affirm the choice you make to stand together as lifemates and as partners."
Lizzie sniffled a little, and rubbed her eyes. She always cried at weddings.
"Now then... do you, Josephine, take this woman to be your wedded wife?" Danni asked.
Skylar grinned wider and nodded. "I do."
"And do you, Guenevire, take this woman to be your wedded wife?" Danni asked.
Gwen looked deep into Skylar's eyes and smiled so brightly it could light up a cave. "You bet your ass I do."
Mere couldn't hold it back anymore. She giggled a little, biting her lip to keep it from spreading into full laughing. This wedding was beyond awesome.
Danni nodded solemnly. "Two people in love do not live in isolation. Their love is a source of strength with which they may nourish not only each other, but also the world around them. And in turn, we, their community of friends and family, have a responsibility to this couple. By our steadfast care, respect, and love, we can support their marriage and the new family they are creating today."
Larry was also sitting in the audience, incidentally, having been invited by Gwen. He looked a little uncomfortable in his suit.
Warren thought, Kinky love bondage action!
Mandy was sitting with Nica, and had been looking at the wedding. Now, however, she was looking up at the sky.
"Will everyone please rise?" Danni asked.
Nica stood up.
Lizzie stood up, as do Laili and Larry.
Wesley stood up.
Mandy stood up, after Nica reminded her to.
Skylar's family stood up as well, which included her parents and two brothers.
"All of you here today, surround Josephine and Guinevere with your love, offering them the joys of your friendship, and supporting them in their marriage," Danni intoned.
"May the love you share for these two make their marriage stronger. You may be seated."
Gwen stood there, listening to the beautiful words coming from Danni's mouth, and just blinked, mumbling to herself: "I can't believe this same woman was rubbing her snatch in my face a few nights ago in a shitty club."
"Anyone can be an eloquent speaker, Gwen," Skylar said softly back to her.
Danni was a cunning linguist.
"We've come to the most important part of the ceremony -- where these two lovers will say their vows to one another," Danni continued, "but before they do that..."
Warren thought, I would like to do a dance number entitled 'Maximum Capacity Eight'.
Danni continued, "I ask you to remember that love - love which is rooted in faith, in trust, and in acceptance - will be the foundation of an abiding and deepening relationship."
"No other ties are more tender, and no other vows are more sacred than those you are about to assume. If you are able to keep the vows you take here today, under the eyes of all those gathered and in your hearts,"
Gwen smiled and squeezed Skylar's hand a little tighter.
"not because of any law of man or of god, but out of a desire to love and be loved fully by another person, without limitation, then your life will have joy and the home you establish will be a place in which you both will find the direction of your growth, your freedom, and your responsibility."
Danni paused a moment to let that sink in, then continued, "Josephine Skylar James. Please now, under the eyes of your love and the world, read the vows you have written, and pledge to uphold."
Skylar turned to Gwen and smiled at her, wrapping her hands around Gwen's. "Gwen, I am so grateful to have met you. I couldn't imagine a person more perfect for me than you.
I hope that, through thick and thin, we can share the rest of our lives together." She paused for a moment, reaching up to wipe a tear with one hand. "Sorry, I'm a little emotional right now."
She took a deep breath before continuing. "I love you, Gwen. I love you with all of my heart. I can't wait to start the rest of my lfie with you."
Lizzie sniffled again.
She laughed. "And I really wish I had brought my written speech with me, because I'm forgetting some of it right now. Just let me end with this: I'll always be by your side, through anything that the world can throw at us."
Gwen was beaming as if she'd just won the lottery. She cleared her throat, and took a moment to try and remember everything.
Danni nodded, and looked to Gwen. "Gueneviere Gretchen Morrison. Please now, under the eyes of your love and the world, read the vows you have written, and pledge to uphold."
"First, it's MORRISON, dude. Like Jim. Only female and not dead. Anyway." Gwen grinned and looked into Skylar's eyes.
"Very well, if you insist. Guinevere Gretchen Morrison. State your vows now," Dannie repeated.
"When we met... it wasn't under the most ideal of circumstances. Hell, everyone I knew figured we'd last a few weeks, tops. But I knew what we had."
"I knew that what was between us was special... that it would NEVER die. So to those people, I kinda held up my palm and said 'nigga please'."
"Because Skylar? You are, without a doubt... the most amazing woman I have EVER met. You're gorgeous, and your soul is every bit as amazing as your looks."
"And I can tell you this: I am yours. Now and for eternity. I would gladly give anything, including my very life... for you. I love you, Skylar... and I'm proud to be becoming your wife."
Gwen looked at Danni, signalling that she was done.
Skylar fanned herself, seriously trying to turn down the waterworks.
Danni nodded. "Now then... both of you... repeat after me. 'I take you to be my wife, my constant friend and partner, and my love.'
Gwen sniffled a bit, then repeated: "I take you to be my wife, my constant friend and partner, and my love."
"I take you to be my wife, my constant friend and partner, and my love," Skylar said through her own tears. She failed at trying to kill her crying.
Danni nodded slightly, and continued, " 'I will work to create a bond of honesty, respect, and trust...' "
Gwen started crying a little there, just from hearing Skylar. "I will work to create a bond of honesty, respect, and trust."
"I will work to create a bond of honesty, respect, and trust," Skylar repeated.
" 'One that withstands the tides of time and change...' "
Comically enough, Gwen was now starting to look just a bit agitated. "One that withstands the tides of time and change."
This was taking a little while. "One that withstands the tides of time and change," Skylar said.
" 'And grows along with us.' "
Gwen rolled her eyes a bit. "And grows al... look, we get the point, dude. Get to the point. Pretend you got an elderly millionaire waiting to throw hundreds at you."
"Ah. I see this marriage will be long-lasting indeed," Danni said sharply.
Laili winced.
Tina realized that she hated heels, and tried really hard not to fidget.
"Do these two have rings?" Danni said.
Skylar just grinned. "Yes, we have rings." She got hers from Lydia.
Guinevere wanted a romanceless wedding, she was about to get one.
"Alright. Hand them over," Danni said.
Gwen got hers from Warren, and handed it to Danni. "Here ya go, She-Padre."
Skylar handed hers over as well.
"Exchange them with each other," Danni said, flatly.
Gwen took Skylar's hand, and gently pushed the ring onto her finger, feeling slightly nervous as she did.
Skylar smiled at Gwen and slid the ring onto Gwen's finger once she had her's on.
"If there is anyone who has reason to object to this union, speak now," Danni instructed.
Jonathan was wisely silent.
Gwen cleared her throat. "And let them speak at their own peril."
If anyone does, I'll strangle them myself, Mere thought to herself.
"Oh, I'm sure that if anyone objected that strongly, they'd just beat you up after the wedding," Danni said. "I now pronounce you a wedded couple. You may grope the bride."
Tina wondered if it was safe to take her shoes off yet.
"Save groping for the honeymoon!" Mere said.
Gwen grinned and grabbed Skylar, dipping her dramatically and planting a huuuuge kiss on her.
Skylar squeeled as Gwen dipped her, but kissed her back, anyway.
Danni went off to collect her paycheck.
Warren applauded.
Laili clapped and cheered
Lizzie clapped
Wesley clapped.
"Go Morrison!" Larry shouted, clapping
Gwen grinned as Danni walked off. "Skylar... you should TOTALLY see the minister nude. Hot as balls, for REAL."
Tina clapped, and started to take her shoes off. Heels sucked
Mere clapped and hooted.
Jonathan clapped, then headed off to hug Catherine when he could.
Catherine hugged Jonathan when he got to her. "The wedding was pretty. They look very happy together."
"A minister and a hot stripper...who knew?" Skylar said, laughing.
"Yeah though it was kinda weird in places," Jonathan said.
"Alright..." Gwen laughed and took Skylar's hand. "We gotta go wait as everyone leaves... say thanks and all that happy horseshit."
"Gwen's kind of weird, but that's ok," Catherine said. "Their wedding would be a little wild"