Who: Emil, Chris, Tina, Stephan, Katie, Eva, Gil, Kayla, Gwen
Where: Sid's
When: Tuesday Night
Emil was seated at the diner, having a nice cup of coffee.
Tina was in the diner, hoping a Katie or any of her other friends would show up.
Stephan was at the counter, sipping coffee.
Chris sat with Emil, looking relaxed. "So how's school been this week?"
Eva was next to the Stephan, on her third cup of the night.
"Not bad," Emil said. "Kids are getting a bit rammy, what with Thanksgiving vacation coming up. They always get that way."
Katie was indeed on her way over, via her classic method of transport -- run very quickly.
Kayla was seated at a not-with-her-brother booth, possibly with a Gil.
TIna waved to Kayla, because she recognized her.
Gil was taking full advantage of being out, and of a distracted Chris.
Stephan glanced at Eva, amused. "Good stuff?"
"Yeah." Eva smiled "It's actually better than the Espresso Pump coffee, but it's not the best I've had."
"What's the best you've ever had?" Stephan asked.
Kayla waved to Tina and Kaite.
"Back in Iowa." Eva said "We had a coffee shop... So, anything new and exciting tonight?"
Gil waved too, a little distractedly.
"Whew..." Katie waved, and plunked down into a seat near Tina. "... really could use a car someday."
"So how's your classes been?" Emil asked Chris.
"A lot of tests and papers," Chris said, making a face. "You know how it is."
Emil nodded. "I do."
"Yeah..." Tina frowned "I wish I could get you one."
"Not so much," Stephan said. "I'm playing at three in the morning. So the coffee's necessary."
"Where are you playing?" asked Eva
"Yeah. Oh well." Katie shrugged, and glanced around.
"This after-hours club in LA," Stephan said. "Hellraisers."
"Do you think we should ask them to sit with us?" Kayla asked Gil quietly.
"That sounds kind of... I dunno. Weird." Eva said "I hope you have a good show."
Gil nodded. "Sure, why not?"
Stephan shrugged. "It should be fine. Still going with me Thursday night?"
"Yes." Eva said "Is it at the same place?"
Gil waved. "HEY KATE," he called, raising his voice over the background noise.
Katie peered over. "Yes?"
Conspicuously, there is yellow "caution" tape around what used to be the corner booth by the window. The more you know ... [tm]
Chris started stacking creamers in an inverted pyramid.
"That's going to fall," Emil said.
Gil waved again. "C'mere already."
"Is not," Chris insisted. "I do this all the time."
Emil watched.
Kayla smiled at Katie and Tina, trying to be friendly.
Katie wandered on over. "Hey..."
Tina headed over with Katie.
A skinny guy with a pinytail was waiting tables tonight. He paused by Gil's growing group. "Hey ... you folks need anything?"
"Cocoa, please," Katie said, "and a salad."
"Grapes and toast." Tina said
Gil nodded. "A Coke, cheeseburger, and fries,please."
The guy was nodding and taking notes.
"Yeah, all at the same place ... It should be fun, anyway. It's pretty busy on the weekends, I hear,' Stephan said.
"Burger and fries and coke," Kayla said.
Chris competeled his upside down pyramid. "Hah. Told you it wouldn't fall."
"Have you been to it before?" asked Eva
Emil clapped, then grinned and reached over to pull out the bottom creamer.
"Hey!" Chris laughed and pelted him with one of the fallen creamers.
"Okay ... anythign else?" th guy said. His nametag said, "Zack."
TIna shook her head no.
"All righty ... back in a few ... " Zack headedto the kitchen.
"Once or twice," Stephan said. "And it's not bad ... it's not some total dive, or anything."
Eva drained her coffee cup. "Well- I trust you enough to go along. Do they have coffee?"
"Yes," Stephan said. "Since it's after-hours, it's kind of geared around lots of people getting sober enough to drive. So ... lots of coffee."
"Is it good coffee?" asked Eva
How are you guys?" asked TIna
"Not too bad," said Gil. "How are you guys?"
"I'm ok." Tina said "I'm glad I get to leave the Sunset again."
"From what I could smell," Stephan said.
Gil nodded. "I'm sure it gets a little cramped in there."
Eva noticed her buddy Chris, and waved. "Ok, then count me in. What time do you think we'll be getting back?"
"Oh ... around noon," Stephan said.
"Ok." Eva nodded "That's doable. I actually could still make it to my art class."
"Or you could skip," Stephan said.
Katie nodded. "It's nice to be somewhere else. Besides, I have to work there tomorrow."
Gil nodded. "Well, at least you're bringing money in," he said.
"Yeah - I'm saving up for a car, hopefully," Katie said. "A used one. You don't happen to know anything about cars, do you?"
"I'm not going to skip it." Eva said
"Oh that's cool," Kayla said. "My brother knows a lot about cars- he's over there sexing up Emil at the moment, but we could pester him."
Gil shook his head. "Nope, not me. Sorry."
Chris and Emil were currently pelting each other with creamers, nothing sexy about it.
"Um..." Katie eyed them.
"I don't see the erotic subtext."
Tina was just going to quietly go along with whatever they did.
"Why not? You hate the class. Nobody takes attendance in college," Stephan said.
"Because I'm supposed to be there." Eva said "What else am I going to do during the day?"
" ... whatever you want," Stephan said. "Sleep. Watch bad movies on Lifetime. Go jogging."
"Me either, I was just kidding," Kayla said.
"But yeah, we could ask him."
"Oh... well, okay. Maybe when they're done, um... creamering," Katie said.
Gil snickered.
"I'll just go to the class." Eva said "I go jogging from 8 to 8:40 am. I'm kinda high on energy now, but it's night time." she looked around for more coffee
Zack was there, refilling coffee. He then picked up a tray of drinks, distributed them to the big, noisy table, then checked in with everyone else.
Chris laughed. "Okay, so I have failed to impress you with my creamer stacking skills. I conceed."
Emil laughed, too. "Well, we'll call it a draw." He collected the creamers and put them back into the bowl.
Eva drank more coffee, muhahaha.
" ... you dudes need more creamers?" Zack offered.
Gil laughed. "I bet I can get 'em to come visit us," he said.
"Can you? I don't want to interrupt," Katie said.
Gil grinned. "I'm just glad I'm sitting on the inside."
"No, it's alright- we've reached a truce," Emil said.
Kayla whistled. "Chris! C'mere!"
"YO, EMILIO," called Gil, raising his voice over the background noise again.
"I'm bored." admitted Eva, to Stephan
"Yeah? In a perfect world, what would you want to be doing right now?" Stephan asked.
Emil looked up, and waved. "I think the kids want us."
"Okay," Chris said, and got up from the table to head over there. "What's shaking, young folk?" He ruffled Kayla's hair.
Kayla ducked. "Hey, quit it. We need some car advice for Katie."
"Obstacle course." Eva said
"Maybe Uncle Clive has advice, too," pondered Gil.
"I'm looking for a cheap used car that won't stop working at bad times," Katie said.
"How much of a budget are you working with?" Chris asked.
Emil settled at the table, nodding politely to everyone.
" ... seriously?" Stephan asked, and laughed.
Tina politely nodded back.
"Yeah!" Eva said "They're fun, and no way can you get bored while doing it.
"I don't think I've ever ben on one," Stephan said.
"Well... I'm working at a club to earn money, so not a lot," Katie said, "but I can save up."
"They're really fun." Eva said "Sometimes, when I'm bored out of my mind in class when the professor keeps droning on and on, I wonder if maybe I should have stayed a cop, but then I remember how boring that was, and being an emergency vet would be kind of exciting... or even you know... using animals to sniff for drugs and bodies and such."
Stephan nodded. "Uh huh."
Zack returned with food ... lots of it.
Tina picked at her grapes and toast
"Well, I know a guy who sells reasonable used cars," Chris said. "In good working order."
Katie nodded her thanks.
"Well, can you recommend a good one, and then I can save up for it?" Katie asked.
"Of course," Chris said. "You looking for the cheapest you can go - or you got requirements beyond that?"
"Well... cheap is good, but in this town, cheap means it won't start when something is chasing you," Katie said, matter-of-factly.
"You ran here, didn't you?" asked Tina, to Katie
"What would you rather be doing?" asked Eva, to Stepha
Katie nodded.
TIna frowned.
"Mmm ... recording a song that'll make millions of dollars and will mean that my next tour will be a little more upscale," Stephan said.
"That's why I want a car," Katie said.
"So cheap but very reliable," Chris said, nodding.
Gil contentedly ate food.
"You're running from place to place to avoid being eaten?" Emil said.
"I don't get the whole music thing." Eva said "But I wish you luck with it."
"I told her to try to get rides." TIna said "Because I don't want her to end up almost dead in an alley."
"Well, I don't get the whole obstacle course thing, either," Stephan said with a laugh. "But that's cool."
"It's good to have friends like you." Eva said "So, thanks for hanging out."
"Well, I do try to get rides - but I don't always have a phone," Katie explained. "And sometimes, waiting around a place is a worse idea."
Stephan smiled. "Sure. Oh ... I've been meaning to ask. Are you, uh ... Do you have a boyfriend?"
"No." Eva said "I'm not very good with that... Sorry. I know you probably want to hang with the guys sometimes. My buddy Chris is over there. He's pretty cool."
"Would you accept a loan?" Emil said.
"Since you're working, I trust that you would pay it back."
"Huh? Well, I guess so," Katie said. "As long as it covers a car, and the interest payments aren't more than I make."
Stephan blinked. "No ... not really into guys, and the cowboy fetish kind of creeps me out. I like hanging out with you, though."
"Oh, that's nice." Eva smiled "And he's not creepy. He's nice. I like hanging out with you too, so that's good. Otherwise, I'd just go back to my dorm room."
"I won't charge you interest," Emil said. "But after school tomorrow, if Chris doesn't mind picking us up and driving since I don't drive myself - we'll head down to the car lot and pick one out."
"... can I get a car too?" Kayla asked.
Chris swatted her.
"That would keep you safe from crazy vampires." Tina said quietly, to Katie
"Can I get a car instead?" Gil asked.
"I don't mind driving," Chris said to Emil. "And you kids know I'll drive you where you need to go, so stop that."
"Do you like me?" Stephan asked.
"Yeah." Eva said "I thought we already went over this"
Stephan chuckled and shook his head. "Okay. Just checking."
"What's the big deal?" asked Eva
"No big deal," Stephan said. "I just don't quite get you, sometimes. I mean, are we dating, or ... ?"
"We haven't gone out on a date." Eva said "So, I guess we aren't."
Katie nodded. "Thank you..."
" ... we haven't?" Stephan asked.
"No." Eva said "We've been hanging out... I think we're becoming friends, but I have yet to go on a date in this town. I think I'm just going to give up on that."
"Or, I could ... wait. What constitutes a date?" Stephan asked.
"Not a problem," Emil said, making no big deal of it.
"Flowers, dressing nicely, a dinner, a movie." Eva said
Katie hugged Tina. "See? That wasn't so bad..."
"Way to go, Emil," said Gil. "That's awfully nice of you."
Tina nodded.
"That seems a little formal," Stephan said. "I mean, what we've been doing ... is kind of what my entire dating life was when I was in school."
"I didn't date in school." Eva said "But don't worry about it. We're still friends, right?"
"Uh ... I'd like to date you," Stephan said.
"That would..." Eva wanted to say it would be nice "Well, set it up." She opened her purse, and set a few bills down on the counter.
"Okay," Stephan said. "I'll do that."
"Have a good evening." Eva said, getting up
"Yeah, uh, you too," Stephan said.
Chris stretched, and cracked his neck. "So what're you kids up to, other than the need for cars?
"Eating food, being social," said Gil. "Avoiding homework, and also making time with your sister!"
Eva looked back at Stephan, then headed out.
"And hopefully it won't be too expensive," Katie added.
"Okay," Stephan said, "what the hell just happened?"
"Chicks," Zack said, shaking his head as he refilled Stephan's coffee.
"Yeah." Tina said "I suck at almost everything, but I think I should probably get a job doing something... especially if I'm going to try to find my own place."
"As long as you're making time and not making out," Chris said, grinning.
Kayla blushed. "We're being good!"
Gil grinned. "Of course we are!"
Emil chuckled, and glanced over towards the retreating Eva. He'd seen her a time or two at college.
Zack started making he rounds again, snagging empty plates and filling drinks. He basically waited tables as though all the customers were at one big table, which wasn't too far off the mark.
Eva just looked... lost in thought as she left. She wasn't crying, or angry, or anything.
"Anyone feel like ice cream?" Chris asked.
"Yes please," said Gil.
"No thank you." Tina said, still picking at her grapes and toast
"I'd love some," Emil said.
"Me too!" Kayla piped in.
Chris tried to flag down the waiter.
"Yo," Zack said. "What can I getcha?"
Katie nodded. "At least Michael doesn't charge rent, does he?"
"He doesn't" confirmed Tina "I just feel bad about staying there. He's got lots of stuff to worry about, and I'm sure he doesn't really want people living there."
"Ice cream," Chris said. "Chocolate for me."
"Then why does it have rooms?" Katie asked.
"Hot fudge sundae," said Kayla.
"Mint chocolate chip," Emil ordered.
Gil said, "I'll have what she's having, just bring me a spoon."
Zack nodded. "You got it. Anyone else?"
"Because people need to stay there." Tina said "He's a really good person, and hes trying to help people out."
Katie nodded, accepting that.
"Are you getting ice cream?" asked Tina.to katie
"Huh? Oh... I suppose. Mint chocolate chip for me, too," Katie said.
Zack nodded. "Cool. Be right back ... "
Eva returned, looking a little spooked. She took her seat next to Stephan again.
"Umm ... hi?" Stephan said.
"Hi..." Eva said "Would you mind giving me a ride when you leave?"
"Sure," Stephan said. "I was going to take off when I finish this cup."
"Thank you." Eva said
"No problem," Stephan said, and drank his coffee.
"When is our date?" Eva asked
"Friday?" Stephan said.
"Alright." Eva said
Stephan smiled.
"This town is really weird." Eva said
"Yeah, a bit," Stephan said.
"Not as weird as Vegas," he said. He set some money on the counter and stood up. "I mean, yeah, people are odd, but you can't get married here by Elvis at 4 in the morning."
Katie looked mellow.
"It's..." Eva frowned, and followed.
With a tired yawn, Gwen walked into the diner, looking a bit less 'vampy' (no pun intended) than usual- simple baggy jeans, sneakers, hair in a pony, and a slightly snug shirt reading 'Smile - Cthulu Loves You'. Walking to the nearest table, she just plopped her lil' butt right down.
Tina waved to Gwen.
Katie waved to Gwen, too.
"TINA! What up, chica? Get yer sweet ass over here!" Gwen smiled and waved
"Someone wants your ass," Emil observed, blinkng.
Chris grinned but didn't comment.
Gil snickered.
Tina smiled a little. "That's my friend Gwen. She's fun, isn't she? I'm goin over there... see you guys."
Kayla eyed Gwen's t-shirt. "Who's Cthulu?"
Gil waved. "Later!"
"A fictional deity created by H. P. Lovecraft who exists in a nonEuclidean dimension," Katie summarized.
Tina headed over to sit with Gwen.
Gwen looked at Kayla and then grinned as Tina sat down. "Who's the honey you were sitting with?"
"Kayla? She's sorta a friend. She's in your gym class, isn't she?"
Katie peered at Tina and Gwen a moment,but since this seemed to be an AB conversation, settled in to eat her ice cream.
"And of course Katie." said Tina "But she's got ice cream."
"Wow," Kayla said.
"He has face penises," Chris helpfullly added.
"Ew!" Kayla said.
Emil chuckled.
Gil laughed. "I've got a book about him."
"And he drives people insane and wants to emerge from his slumber and eat everyone," Katie said.
Gwen looked at Kayla, trying to see if she recognized her. "Huh. Fuck if I know. I just kinda zone in that class anymore."
"Really?" asked Tina "Isn't it important? I mean, I know you're not going to end up lying in an alley, but what if you're supposed to be learning about some new gelatinous cube or something?"
Gwen shrugged and smirked at Tina. "Ehh. Wesley teaches me JUST fine. Dont get me wrong, Coach Carver is nice on the eyes, but that class is the SUCK."
"That's creepy," Kayla said, and hugged Gil.
Katie finished her ice cream. "It's not weirder than anything that's already here."
Gil hugged. "They're okay stories, but they're pretty depressing."
Tina shrugged. "SO, how are you?"
Gwen shrugged and yawned. "Just tired. Lonnnng day of trying to plan wedding stuff, plus I haven't been sleeping good, plus I'm still not sure if my Best Man has bothered to plan a bachelor party for me."
"I haven't heard anything." Tina said "But I can try to help with the wedding planning stuff. Why haven't you been sleeping?"
"Nightmares." She blurted it out without thinking. She NEVER told anyone about them. "Been having them, badly, since I was like... 12. They get really bad sometimes."
"You ever try to fix them?" asked Tina "Like, if someone is about to trap you in a box, and you realize it, you clobber them over the head, and run like crazy?"
"I don't know, face penises are pretty weird," Kayla said.
"Hm. Like that chick in Elm Street 5? Decent. Alice was the shit." Gwen winced, realizing not everyone has seen all th shitty slasher movies she had.
"There's demons that are like that," Emil commented.
"Really? Maybe old H.P wasn't as far off the mark as he thought," said Gil.
"And therefore, Cthulhu isn't intrinsically scary, especially since the only reason anyone fears him is because looking at him is supposed to drive you insane," Katie said. "This was before the Internet, where you could see weirder stuff by clicking on the wrong thing."
"I didn't see that." TIna said "It sounds cool though... but I didn't see a lot of things. I lucked out on Star Wars cause Bill loved those movies."
"Slasher movies are hilarious. Any chick that fucks ends up dying." After a second, Gwen cackled. "I'd be so fucking screwed."
"That doesn't make sense." Tina said "Maybe it's so they can sell the virgins that are left over."
"You should see some of the things that are in Xavier's books of legends," Emil said. "In fact, really, you should. You should start learning of all that with me..."
"That'd be cool," Chris said. "I'd like that."
Gwen took a quick look at Tina's face, and started to gently feel around her lips. "How's the jaw, hon? Still sore?"
Gil grinned. "When are you not having, ah, private lessons?"
"It's okay." Tina shrugged "I've just got stuff on my mind."
"What's got ya down, T? I'd cheer you up with like, a lapdance or something, but I think my fiance' would get pissed."
Emil raised a brow. The way Gil said that was slightly wrong.
Gil looked innocent.
Tina giggled a little at the offer of a lapdance. "Just... I helped someone last night, and... well, being a bad guy sucks. THe people that get hurt are people, and I never really saw it that way. I don't like my friends getting hurt- but even those who aren't friends don't deserve it..."
Gwen sighed, and gave her friend a big hug. "Welcome to the Hero Life. Everyone you love is going to be in danger for the rest of your life. And it never gets easier. You just gotta... learn to live with it."
"Yeah." Tina said "I can learn to live with it... I just hate that I used to be a bad guy. I wish I could erase it."
"Well, I'm sure you could drop in any time to visit," Emil said. "Xavier wouldn't mind."
"Hey, you're in good company!" Gwen was trying to cheer her up, she really was. "Look at the all the greats that were bad guys once. Darth Vader. Jetfire. Sub-Zero."
"So long as we call first, right?" Gil wasn't sure unannounced visitors would go over well with Mr. Welch.
"Darth Vader is a great character." Tina said "I mean, he never really wanted to be a bad guy, it just kind of happened."
"Calling would be best, probably- but really, if you are in the neighborhood it's fine to drop in," Emil assured them.
Chris grinned. "I'll bear that in mind."
"Exactly!" Gwen grinned, hoping it was working. "And Jetfire! He just wanted to be a a peaceful Decepticon scientist, but nooo, Starscream kept being a douche,
and finally he went and joined the Autobots."
"Yeah." Tina agreed "I mean... different circumstances, and they would have been fine. Like, Frankenstein? I blame the doctor for that. Wolfman? He was a good guy."
"See? You were a victim of your environment. Now you know better. Now you can like, symbolically throw Palpatine's pasty ass down that bottomless pit."
"Excatly." Tina said "Yeah." She smiled "Thanks, Gwen, You rock."
"Tina? There aren't a whole lot of people I can say I love. But you're one of 'em." Gwen reached over and ruffled her friend's hair. "You're like the odd, slightly ADD sister I never had."
Tina smiled. "Having a sister you never had is fun. Of course, that means that I get to borrow your clothes and we have to fight over the TV"
"Borrow what you like." Gwen snickered. "Of couse, that means you'll be borrowing from the sluttiest wardrobe in Sunnydale, but hey."
"But for now - you kids about ready?" Chris asked. "Because I'm getting tired and I have class in the morning."
"Crashing on the couch is okay, right?" Gil asked.
"That shirt is cool... not slutty." Tina said- then she glanced at her watch "Holy crap... I'm so late. The club closed like an hour ago."
"Right," Kayla said. Chris nodded in agreement.
Emil checked his watch. "Wow, it did get late- I have to teach tomorrow."
"Awesome," Gil said.
"Well damn." Gwen blinked. "Where the hell do you live now, anyway?"
"At the Sunset." Tina said
"Can you still get in this late? You can crash at my place tonight if you want."
"Katie, you need a lift?" Chris asked.
"Erm... that would be good." Tina said "I'm going to leave a message on the machine, so they don't think lawyers killed me though."
"Well..." Katie glanced back over to Tina and Gwen. "I guess so, yeah."
"No problem. Wesley and Laili will be ok with it, I know it." Gwen smiled.
"Could you give one more person a ride?" asked Tina "Just to her house."
"Okay, everyone c'mon..." Chris had the truck, but fortuntely it was the type with the backseat, so he'd room for it.
"Well, sure! Just be lucky I brought Wes' car tonight instead of my bike." Gwen chuckled there
"Thanks" Tina smiled, and waved towards Katie
Katie was starting to get up and head on out.
"Katie?" asked Tina, watching her leave "Gwen said she'd give you a ride..."
Gil gathered up his stuff and headed out, too.
Gwen smirked there... so THIS was Tina's girlfriend...
"Oh, okay," Katie said, and headed over.
Gwen looked at Katie and tried to offer a friendly smile. "Hey. I'm Gwen. Hope it didnt look like I was macking on Tina.. she's just my friend."
"Did it look like that?" asked TIna "Cause it wasn't..."
"I guess our ride isn't good enough," Kayla said, hmphing.
She grinned though, and waved as she headed out.
"Just a moment," Emil said, and headed over to talk to Katie a second. "Katie- tomorrow after school, okay?"
Gil laughed. "She'd cramp my style anyway."
Katie nodded. "I hope not, because if it was macking I'd find your fiancee, tell her, and give her a knife."
Katie added, to Emil, "Okay."
Emil waved then headed on out after his crew
Gwen laughed there, and grinned. "Ok, T. Your girl is officially awesome."
"Katie is really great, isn't she?" Tina smiled, agreeing with Gwen
Katie nodded, perfectly serious.
"You coming with Tina to the wedding, hon?" Gwen asked Katie
"Sure," Katie said. "When is it?"
Tina smiled when Katie said she was going to the wedding
"In a couple weeks, actually." Gwen would have said the exact date, but her mun was having a brain-fart at the time.