A Day at the Park

May 18, 2008 13:55

Who: Juice, Kyle,Nica,Dot,Becky,Tim,Sam,Fannie
Where: Weatherly Park
When: Saturday, October 17

Juice had brought a blanket and some sandwiches and shit as his contribution to the picnic-to-be. He also brought Kyle, of course, and Senor Paco, wearing a little cat sweater and on a harness.

Nica brought a cooler full of random stuff. She wore shades and a leather coat.

Kyle had been brought, and therefore, was there. "I don't think Paco likes the sweater."

"Kyle and I made sandwiches," Juice said. "We've got peanut butter and jelly and ham and cheese."

Paco, indeed, looked a bit grumpy about wearing a pink sweater with white trim that said "Pretty Pussy"

"You think I should have put him in the purple one instead?" Juice asked.

"Well... it IS a chick sweater," Kyle agreed.

"Yeah, but it was on sale," Juice said. "Plus, you know, he's neutered."

"Hiya," Nica said, waving.

"Niiicaaa!" Juice called, even though she was right there. He got up to give her a hug.

Nica laughed and hugged the Juice. "Hey, sweetie. Hiya, Kyle!"

"You're dressed for a spy operation," Kyle observed of Nica. He briefly glanced back at Paco, and tried not to giggle at the severe incongruity.

"New coat, you like it?" Nica asked. "So, what's new and exciting?"

"It's sweet," Juice said, giving the thumbs up. "Well, my car is inexplicably purple," Juice said.

"Not much. ... Except that," Kyle nodded.

"Hwo did ... ? Wait, do I want to know?" Nica asked.

"I don't even know!," Juice insisted. "It got totally carjacked... or something, there was a note. Then it just came back at the house - which wasn't where it disappeared from - the next morning. Only then it was purple."

"It was bizarre," Kyle agreed.

"That's insane," Nica said, settling on the ground.

"At least nothing was broken," Kyle added.

"I think it's possessed," Juice said. "But you know... how would it have written the note?"

"Telekinesis?" Kyle shrugged. "Or something."

Fannie walked though the park, carrying a basket. She, of course, had a smile on her face as she approached the small group. "Hello!"

"Ugh," Juice said. He wished Paco had hair so he could work up a hairball to hack at Fannie. "What do YOU want?"

"Hi?" Kyle said in a 'who are you?' sort of way -- not being a student, he didn't know.

Nica waved. She opened her cooler; there was soda, grapes, olives, a jar of horseradish, and a tomato. She snagged a soda.

"I wanted to say hello to my opponet, and class mate. You do know I'll win, right?" Fannie grinned, and didn't acknowledge Kyle or Nica

"Uh, no, actually I'm pretty sure ANYONE else will win, which is why I'm running. Duh," Juice said.

"You're the wrong gender." Fannie said "Everyone is laughing at you."

"You're just jealous because I'm prettier than you are. And I have a boyfriend," Juice said. "So, suck it."

"Who -is- that, anyhow?" Kyle asked.

"Fanny," Nica said. "She's kind of an ass." She slurped her soda.

"Just some girl that's running for Homecoming," Juice said. "Nobody important."

"Oh, I'm more important than you think." said Fannie "Now, I'm asking you to leave the race, please."

"That explains it, if you have to beg a boy to stop running for homecoming queen because it's threatening your votes," Kyle said, amused.

"The rest of the candidates are that bad?" Kyle asked, to Juice.

"I'm going to be nice." said Fannie "Because I am a very nice, a very good person. And all of you are going to vote for me. I have bribes."

"What's so big about homecoming, anyhow?" Kyle asked.

"Uh, yeah- so what can you offer me?" Juice said.

Juice didn't mind hearing bribes.

"Yeah?" Nica asked.

"What do you want?" asked fannie "I have food in my basket- but tell me what you want in order to drop out of the race, and vote for me. You'll get it."

"Okay- I'll prepare a short list of my demands," Juice said. "Do you have paper?"

She did. Fannie handed a small, purple notebook, and a sparkly purple pen to Juice.

Juice took the notebook, and started to write, speaking them out loud as he wrote. "One: Attractive leather coat, kinda like Nica's spy-coat-thingy. Size medium."

Juice pondered what else he wanted at the moment. "Two- designer cat condo - with scracthing post -for Senor Paco."

He uncerimoniously chewed the end of the sparkly pen while thinking. "Three - two awesome matching Game Boys for myself and Kyle, with a selection of the latest games. Nothing crappy!"

Fannie nodded, and smiled. She wanted to win very badly

"Four... a gift certificate to the local garden center for my campaign manager, Dot," Juice said.

"Five ... you to acknowledge my existance every time we run into each other by scraping, bowing, and calling me "Most Honorable Judge Juicy, who would have totally kicked my ass had he stayed in the race, but in his benevolance bowed out to allow me to win."

Nica shook her head. Jucie drove a damn hard bargain.

Fannie laughed.

"Do you want to win or not? These are my demands," Juice said.

"And I'm not done yet."

"Oh, please continue, most honorable Judge Jucy, who would have totally kicked my ass had he stayed in the race, but in his benevolance bowed out and allowed me to win."

Sam had managed to get outside, more or less alone. Nica was right over there, so technically, sh wasn't alone. She was at a bench, unpacking her violin.

Everyones favorite ceiling guy was in the park, along with a crowd of assorted childern. He didn't pay attention to Fannie.

Fanne, however, was taking a list of demands from the honorable Judge Juicy.

"Yeah, see, that works for me - maybe with a little more bowing and ass kissing- figurative, of course, I don't swing that way," Juice said.

"I also need a new pair of sneakers, size nine and a half- converse prefered. Make that two pairs, one size 10, for Kyle," Juice said. He put those on the list.

"Wht color?" Fannie asked

"I do, but we just met," Kyle added, amused.

"I don't" said Fannie

"Red for me," Juice said. "What color do you want, hon?"

Sam had rosined her bow and tuned her violin, and was trying to figure out what to play.

Dot, who was sprawled out on her back under a tree, was asleep. The park had been empty when she got there, but she slowly became aware of a lot of voices, talking loudly enough to wake her up. The more she listened, the more it sounded like they were talking on the other side of the little patch of trees she was napping in. She decided to listen for a little while longer.

One of the random kids made a face at the napper, then ran off to tease someone else.

Tim took a seat on a bench, and just kind of listened in on things. Being sober was kind of boring

"Black," Kyle said.

"Okay," Juice said. "And the Spontaneous Neck Ruptures could use a new van."

Fannie seemed amused by all of this, but, she stood, and listened

One of the random kids stopped by where Juice, Nica and Kyle were sitting, and plucked a handful of grass from near them.

"Hey! Is that yours?" Nica asked the kid.

"This grass is MINE!" said the kid, before running off

Dot stood, stretching and yawning, and strolled around the trees, waving to everyone.

"I'll sue!" Nica shoted after her.

"Small people suck ass," Juice said. "Okay, hm... I also want a pony."

The kid tossed some grass at Dot, then ran to Tim, who had no interest in what he had to say.

"Dot! Do you want anything from Fannie? She's totally bribing me to get out of the race," Juice said.

Sam had been listening to Kronos Quartet lately, so she rather abruptly started playing Purple Haze.

"Woah." Tim said "That's a good song."

The kid was tired of being ignored, so he went off to pick more grass

"Is she, now? That's very interesting," yawned Dot.

Sam smiled and kept playing. "Hey, Tim," she said, "you wanna see something neat?"

"Sure." Tim shrugged

Fannie patiently waited for Juice to finish his list

Sam kept playing ... and just for a moment, took her hand off the bow. It moved on its own a few times, hitting the right notes, and then she snagged it again and continued.

"...woah." Tim was in awe

Sam wiggled her eyebrows. "It's amazing what a little practice'll do."

"I'm sober... so you actually did that." Tim shook his head

Juice showed her the list, up to and including 'Pony.'

Sam ended the song and sat down. "This town's a weird place," she said.

"Okay, this should do..." Juice turned the list over, and wrote on it. "I, Fannie Del Diavlo, agree to give George 'Juice' Davis the following items if he drops out of the race for homecoming queen." Juice held it out to her. "Sign, please."

"Done." Fannie smiled- a genuine, creepy smile, and signed "You'll have your items when you return home."

"It really is." Tim replied "No one talks about it."

"Thank you," Juice said, and took back the list, folded it, and tucked it into his pocket.

He also totally kept her pen.

"Now, you kids have fun.

" Fannie smiled, and headed away, to bribe the next person

Kyle commented, "Think she'll actually make good on any of that?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah ... but the people I hang around with kind of do talk about it. So I figure it's better to know some weird stuff in case I need to use it, you know?"

Dot shook her head slightly, then waited until Fannie was out of earshot to talk. "She doesn't have to. She's doomed. Campaign corruption never goes over well, does it?"

"It's been a way of life in Chacago, Detroit and New York City for generations," Nica shrugged.

"So..um, how'd you learn to do that?" asked Tim. He had just glanced at the small people, who were now on a blanket, counting pieces of grass.

Dot nodded, unfazed. "Still, any little thing we can do to take her down a few pegs.."

"Partly, having an affinity for it," Sam said. "Not everyone does, I guess. And partly from talking to a guy here who's really good with it."

"You did a pretty good job." Tim nodded "I'm good at slacking, getting high, and useless trivia."

Juice grinned. "And we have the proof right here." He patted his pocket.

"Well ... if you weren't doing that stuff, or running a daycare center, what would you want to be doing?" Sam asked.

"Mm... Don't really know. That's what I'm supposed to be figuring out." Tim shrugged "My parents said I needed to find myslef, so that's what I'm doing."

"Okay, so what are you doing to figure it out?" Sam asked.

"Getting high, slacking, and babysitting." Tim said, eyeing the kids, who were still counting blades of grass

"Did I totally rock that encounter, or what?" Juice asked.

Kyle nodded. "I think so... but what will you do if she actually gives you a pony?"

Sam laughed. "Well, if you like, maybe we could hang out, and we could do stuff, and maybe something will occur to you."

"Um... she can't actually pay for all that, can she?" Juice asked, scratching his head. "Ponies are like, expensive. And um... I don't think David would let me have one."

"Oh, boys, you know you can't actually play with any of it, right? That's all evidence of campaign corruption." Dot grinned, just a little.

"Well, yeah, but if she already dropped it off... what do we do?" Juice said. "I'm going to report her on monday - she can't possibly get all that stuff before Monday, right?"

Kyle shrugged. "Actually, the contract says that she'll give them to him IF he drops out."

"That would rock babe." Tim smiled

"What the hell are you going to do if she actually gives you a pony?" Nica asked.

"Which means if he doesn't drop out, she shouldn't pay," Kyle concluded.

Dot nodded. "She made it sound like she was going to pay first, so why not just wait and see?"

"Find out where she lives and train it to poop on her lawn?" Juice said, scratching his head.

"Cool," Sam said.

"So, what kind of stuff do you like to do?" Tim asked "You like movies?"

Sam blushed. "Umm ... I ... " Tim wasn't in on the joke, but "movies" seemed to have a totally different meaning in her household. "Yeah," she managed.
Signoff: Nathan (Ping timeout)

"...ok." Tim nodded. Movies made girls blush. "You should stop by sometime"

Becky headed towards Nica, Juice, and company, looking a little annoyed

"Stop by where?" Sam asked.

"You want sandwiches?" Juice asked Dot. "Cause we have them."

"My place." Tim said "I mean... you don't have to, but my parents have a huge TV, and lots of tapes."

"Hey, sweetie!" Nica said to Bex. "What's up?"

"Okay," Sam said. "I still need the address ... " She smiled.

"I have to go home tonight." Becky frowned and took a seat

"Oh yeah. 119 Elm Street." Tim replied

"119 Elm ... okay. I'll definitley stop by sometime. And we'll go skydiving or something."
Nathan (nathan.sod@dm-362.washdc.fios.verizon.net) has joined channel #osi

"Oh, yeah, we have sandwiches." Kyle leaned over to snag one.

"Ooh, thanks." Becky grabbed a sandwich "On monday, I'm going to hang posters up. My old ones got taken down."

"That sucks," Nica said.

Becky nodded

"Juice's got taken down too -- someone left a note saying profanity wasn't allowed," Kyle commented.

"My parents would say skydiving wasn't creative." said Tim "But... yeah. Should be nice."

Juice nodded. "Yeah, using an ass-trick to replace a letter didn't help."

"That's so unfair." Becky frowned "Someone took mine down because they thought I messed up."

"Why, because you guys are both running for the wrong gender?" Kyle asked.

"I guess." Becky pouted "I just wantto win so I get a crown, cape and a stick."

"I should go in about thirty." said Tim "The kids are done counting grass for fun, I think."

"I just want that bitch to lose- if we get her disqualified, that'll do it for me," Juice said.

"You ever try playing games with them, or anything?" Sam suspected that Tim's future wasn't in teaching.

"Why do you think she wants to win so bad?" asked Becky

"That is a game.

" Tim said "Whoever gets the most wins, and gets to paint on the mural."

" ... That's kind of a crappy game," Sam said.

Kyle shrugged. "Dunno... it's not like being homecoming queen -means- anything, does it?"

"My parents came up with it." Tim shrugged

"Maybe it does." theorized Becky "Maybe if you're homecoming queen, you get to rule the school, or something

"You'd think that with, like ... how many of you are there?" Sam asked.

"Six." said Tim "It's a creative outlet."

"Um, it's just a student title. At the end of the day, the teachers still run the school," Kyle pointed out.

"Nobody really pays attention to that shit, do they?" Juice said.

Dot shrugged. "I'm just helping my boy, is all. Plus, um, I don't like her. So if she lost, well, I wouldn't cry."

"Except the popular kids, and they're dumb." Juice added.

"And everybody knows that power in high school equates to power in the real world. Which is why last year's Homecoming Queen is selling underwear at Victoria's Secret," Nica said.

"Not... woah, really?" asked Beckt

"Wow, Anna works at Victoria's Secret?" Kyle inquired.

"That was metaphorical," Nica said.

"Actually, she's slaying vampires, but she's an exception to the rule."

"If i win, Ethan is taking me out to dinner." Becky said

"And if you lose?" Nica asked.

"He beats you for daring to try to get the scepter?" Kyle offered.

"Nah." said Becky "Cause if he does that, I'd have to beat him, and things would suck."

"Kinky fun for everyone," Kyle commented, amused.

"I've got a nintendo too." said Tim "But the kids don't know it, or they'd be in my room all of the time."

"But if they were playing with that, they wouldn't get bored as much, and you'd have more time to do other stuff," Sam said.

"Stunts creativity." said Tim "But that's a good idea... If my parents find out, they might take away my stash, though."

Juice grinned. "I'm not going to make the obvious joke."

"Stunts ... ? Dude, seriously, your parents sound like Mormons on acid," Sam said.

"Well... they are on acid." agreed Tim

"And are they Mormons? ... wait, no, not if they're on acid. But that makes sense," Sam said.

Becky blushed "I said the wron thing.. I mean.. oh, nevermind"

Nica laughed. "Yes, you must spank us all! And then, after the spankings ... "

Becky turned even redder

"Sorry, but everyone around here's full of sexual metaphors," Kyle pointed out.

Juice laughed, and snagged another sammich.

Becky just grabbed another sandwich

"I guess counting grass kind of sucks, doesn't it?" asked Tim "Unless you were really high, or something."

"For example, right now you're stuffing meat in your mouth, squeezed between two soft, firm buns," Kyle pointed out.

"And I hope they're not," Sam said.

"I don't think so." Tim said "I didn't give them anything, anyway. Shit I forgot about the Ritilan... My parents are going to be pissed."

Becky looked at her sandwich, and set it down

"Oh, yeah, they're in for a long night," Sam said.

Nica burst out laughing.

"Or you could have a drink - let some cool, creamy liquid run down your throat," Kyle added. "That's the problem with our language, everything's pervy when you say it wrong. Or right. Or whatever."

"It's funny though," Juice said.

"...I guess." Becky shrugged, and didn't touch her sandwich, or her drink

"So, um... Favorite disney movie?" asked Tim

"Or you could just eat your ham and cheese sandwich and not think about fucking," Kyle added, and munched. "Besides, there's peanut butter and banana sandwiches in there, too."

"Fantasia," Sam said.

"And those totally rock," Juice said.

Instead of eating, Becky just bolted. Girl had way too many issues

"... " Nica looked at her retreating back, shrugged and snagged her sammich.

"That's a cool movie" Tim smiled "With all the brooms and stuff. We can watch that, when you come over."

"How exactly does she ever manage to stay over at your house?" Kyle asked Nica.

"Sounds like fun," Sam said. "But for now, I should probably take off, before my sister comes looking for me ... Oh. My sister can kick your ass, and will if she thinks it's necessary. So please don't make her think that," Sam said, starting to pack up her violin.

"She hasn't stayed over my house in like a year," Nica said.

"...Ok." Tim said "Did I do something to piss her off?"

"Ahh," Kyle nodded.

"Not yet," Sam said. "But she's very protective."

"Um.. crap. don't tell her any bad stuff about me... and look, I have no fighting skills. My parents think I'm gay, or something."

said Tim

Sam laughed. "Are you? I mean, it's totally cool if you are."

"We should probably get out of the park before it gets dark..." Kyle pointed out.

Tim glanced around at the park. "I don't think I am..."

"Well, maybe I'll help you figure that out, too." She blushed as soon as that came out of her mouth, and started packing more quickly.

Tim smiled at Sam, then headed off to collect the tribe of fucked up kids

"Yeah, good idea," Juice said, and started picking up Paco and picnic stuff.

Dot helped pack stuff up, still trying to plot out possible outcomes for the election corruption issue.

Nica got Sam home before Anna needed to kick anybody's butt.

Juice got into his purple car with Kyle and Senor Paco, and offered anyone who needed one a ride

plot: homecoming, nica, juice, fannie, location: weatherly park, becky, sam, dot, kyle, tim

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