May 08, 2008 19:50
Morrigan had been spending a lot of time doing a lot of stuff, just lately. She was currently in the Bronze, and trying to hide the fact that she was yawning.
Juice was lurking around the stage in a shiny jacket, talking to the Neck Ruptures before they went on.
Becky was there, really. She was just focused on something else.
The Neck Ruptures looked pretty cheerful, for people whose stage makeup involved large neck wounds.
MJ sat near Morrigan (grading papers), and Tina sat and did her homework. Some outing, right?
Cinderella tilted her head. "So what's this about fresh gigs?"
"Homecoming night, they're having a party at the Sunset - and I've got you guys a gig playing as one of the bands," Juice said. "Also, there's a club in LA called The Matchsticks that has agreed to give you an audition to play in their Local Rock Legends weekend - that's coming up in November, but you have to audition before the end of the month," Juice said, checking his little manager notebook. "Also, we've got three potential home parties - two of which are paying, one of which is 'we'll take donations for the band at the door."
Ethan was making out with Becky. Not in a totally public way ... they were reasonably concealed.
"Ex-cel-lent," Cinderella nodded. "Does it pay?"
"The gig at the Sunset doesn't- but it'll help our local exposure," Juice said. "And Michael said we can sell merch. The Local Rock Legends is a competition -no fee to enter, but you have to pass the audition. And if you come in first second or third, there are some pretty kicking prizes."
"Sounds good, Juiceycore," Cinderella said. "Just tell us where we gotta be, and we're so there."
"Okay then- I'm gonna confirm all these," Juice said, "and see when we can hit up LA and audition. I'll get back to you on that - shit, the guy at the bar is giving me the look, you guys better get playing. Catch you on the break." Juice skittered away from the stage with a jaunty wave, and scanned the room for familiar faces.
Juice might see Becky's hair- she was currently making out with Ethan (which was nothing new).
Juice spotted Ethan's face in Becky's face, and headed over thataway anyhow because he had no sense of private time.
Becky broke away for a second "Huh?"
"Hi!" Juice said, plunking down at their table. "S'up?"
"Um... not a lot? Uh, how are you?" asked Becky
"I'm groovy- I got some new gigs for the Ruptures, and I'm running for homecoming queen," Juice said. He pulled a couple of 'Vote for Juicy!' cards out of his pocket, and handed them over to Ethan and Becky.
Ethan settled back in his seat amd stared at the card. "That's, umm ... wow."
"Cool." Becky smiled "You're running for homecoming queen? Could I run too?"
"Yeah, anyone can run- it's pretty sweet," Juice said. "I'm just running because this total bitch Fannie is running and someone has to beat her."
"I don't like her!" said Becky "She was nice, then she told me I was wearing the wrong color, and that I needed to shrink, and some other stuff, but I stopped listenig
"Yeah, she was a total bitch to me the other day," Juice said. "So I'm so going to beat her."
"Wait, shrink?" Ethan eyed Becky. "No, you're just right."
Becky smiled.
"So, if Juice is running for Queen, I could run for King."suggested Becky.
spontaneous neck ruptures,
plot: homecoming,
location: the bronze,