Aug 07, 2005 20:55
Wow. Ok so I have not gotten half of the unpacking I need to get done done. I should so want to get it done but ohhh well I have at least had some relaxing time.
I have not done much of anything being broke. Which is nothing new and having been on break from classes other then watching movies. It is scary I have watched more of them then I could even list at this point! Yikes! That almost frightnes me.
Even worse is it is not going to be changing anytime soon unfortunately. Money is just flat out tight and I guess a little more relaxation until classes start back up for me. Then the craziness picks up with internship and classes.
Actually my life will have at least not so much of the money crunch after financial aid refunds occur. still tight but nowhere near what I have been in right now.
Guess that is a pick me up.
I am really missin my guy. Unfortunately he is in TX and in the same financial spot so I am not sure when I will get to see him again (and a few other things that well I am just not going into but a few of you know).
And I REALLY wish my sleep patterns would come back to me! I can't take this up till 5-6am and then crashing until 8a-1p ish it is nutz I want my old pattern back! I liked the 1-3am bed and up 8-10a and not be tired all day. Have motivation to do more then siton the couch and do nothing.
Well hoping to get up at a decent time tomorrow and maybe get to get my hair done. I know it is money I really don't have but it needs it bad and well if I am going to be starting an internship and all then I guess I got to look good. =) Definately going to have more of the bright blond streaks and one fun red in it. I am trying to avoid the urge to chop it off again since Sean really wants to see it long. Maybe I can find something I can do with it that will look ok with all of these layers n stuff in it but still be able to go long and look good.
That and since I moved I have lost having the gym to work out in which sucks because I don't have the cash to get a membership somewhere. I am hoping to find some cash somewhere to get something like the Ab Lounge to use.... I would do more work outs inside but well the walls are thin and I don't wanna drive my neighbors NUTZ! hummmmmm... ohh well going to have to figure out something. Maybe I can get myself back in shape which will help with the Bleh mood I have been in. Or at least I can cross my fingers and hope it does!!!
Ok well I will catch up with you all later hope all is well for all of you! Miss ya all.