Jun 29, 2008 19:35
I have just finished reading Eclipse, and I have to say that my mind is racing. No Diane I am definitely still team Edward. I don't know why I care about him so much; it is not that I do not care for Jacob but I do not feel he is worthy. I also know that he has not imprinted on Bella and therefore she is not his soulmate. I feel like the connection Edward and Bella have is non-wolfy imprinting. They belong together for an eternity. Also I still do not hate Bella (sorry Becca). I did not like some of her choices, but I feel like she was justified in her feelings; however stupid and selfish they may be. I feel too connected to Bella. I understand what it is like to not think you are worth the happiness you have found. I understand making the wrong choice for purely selfish reasons. I understand the love of two things that do not fit together exactly the way you want them to. I understand the feelings that she can be two people. I have the same problem. I may even be more than two people, or at least act that way. I have the same protective shell for everyone (my husband least of all, but still there at times. even with my girls I can definitely be a different person than the one I think I am.). I go out of my way to try and make everyone else happy and still end up getting my way selfishly. I know what it is like to force two different parts of your life, of you, together and see what happens. I understand the pain she feels when she hurts someone she loves and the need to not do that. I understand the pain she feels when her conflicting loves hate one another. However much love she has for both Edward and Jacob and she has done a good job of explaining that too, she needs to figure out what love she wants and stick with it. It honestly pains me to think Edward might get hurt. Jacob I know will hurt, but as I have said, he has not found his true imprinted love. I hope we get to see him find her.
I cannot wait for the next book to show what happens and that I can be safe in my assumptions that will happen. Of course there will be some big upset that will hurt me like hell but it will have to work out in the end. It will have to work out for Edward. Edward is wonderful and I can truly understand the amount of internet adoration I found prior to reading. The first book, even the second, did not show just how wonderful Edward truly is. Edward truly over thinks everything. I love him for that and for so many other reasons. Bella is like me in that same respect that she over thinks everything too. I love that they cannot hear each other's thoughts.
I sympathize with the vampires because theirs is is something they cannot control or shy away from. Werewolves can make the conscience choice not to phase. They can make the choice to stay human, age, and die. The vampires do not have it that easy. They must control an innate never ceasing hunger that cannot be satisfied in full. Werewolves must control their anger. I have never sympathized with people who could not control their anger. Vampires need to eat to survive. Werewolves may get angry and lash out to harm. Yes of course like anything it can be controlled over time, but anger may not be so easily controlled as hunger. And vegetarian vampires are the pinnacle of this explanation. They must hunt to survive. Yes it is very good to have werewolves to hunt the wrong vampires and I am glad that they at least could work together in the end. I do not view the vampires as pretentious and stuffy. They are made that way and work against it when that opportunity is given. Especially Edward. Edward is wonderful. Yes Rosalie is very vain. Emmett is overconfident. You have to admit Alice is awesome. I relate to her as well. I definitely would love planning and going over the top. But I do have to relate the rest of her pixieish wonderful personality to another one of my sisters. I just cannot like Jacob. I did like him at first. I felt sorry for him as his shy teenage self. I felt sorry for him when Bella used her feminine whiles to lure out information, but she didn’t see the harm she could potentially do. Then all the pity left not because he had become a werewolf and his personality had become much more reckless and immature, but when he began to play mean especially to Edward. When he purposefully tricked Bella just to get what he wanted. I could not condone his tactics. He was awful. I still feel for him because unrequited love sucks, but he is wrong for Bella and Bella is wrong for him (back to my imprinting Bella is not his soulmate theory). And to play against her human responses, is causing unnecessary pain. Bella never wanted children until Jacob put that in her mind, and even so what if she gave birth to a son who would become a werewolf and then Jacob met his soulmate and imprinted? It was cause a lot of pain all around. Bella and Edward are soulmates. She made her choice long ago and she is not one to go back on her choice. I’m just afraid of what Jacob might do.
I guess I over analyze everything, but this hit close to home for some reason. I want Edward to be happy! I want to see him and Bella endulging in carnal pleasure. I want to see that sooo badly. It made me sad that she waited for the wedding. I just gives more time for something to go horribly wrong. Ok this hasn’t stopped in my head but I’m tired of writing and I already hit over 1,000 words. I have tried to put my opinions out and I am willing to debate with anyone else’s! Responses are definitely welcome.
Also Diane, since you have read the first chapter of Breaking Dawn, knowing my opinions and my physical connection with Edward’s happiness. Should I read the chapter and torture myself or just save that for when I can keep reading and know the ending? I am sure that if you say wait that I can, but should I?