(no subject)

Apr 14, 2006 23:11

What to say?
I guess I will go sciencey:

Purpose: I am here to try and get back connected with myself. I kind of feel like I've been less self-conscious...conscious of myself.

I haven't really posted in a while, haha, and i know most people try to un-attach themselves from LJ, but meh. haha, here I am.

I'm really sorry, I cannot remember half the people on my friends list. So...if you happen to be reading this please leave me a comment and tell me who you are and how i know you.
I was reading through a post of mine last night (the 2nd most recent, a repost from last march) and I had said that all the people in your life no matter how big or small a role they play are really important and that you should try to connect with others as they will teach you something. There is always something to be learned. So, let me relearn you! Sorry...cheeezacious. haha! oh well.
Hm...so, I guess I'll start with refamilarizing myself...

This is me as of right now:

My name is Chelsea Ry + b-e-r-g. I am eighteen, I'll be nineteen in less than a month. I live with my parents in the 'burbs of the Seattle Eastside from which I commute to Seattle University. I am a freshman in the school of electrical engineering there. EE is awesome, by the way-I took two classes this past winter quarter-my first EE classes; they were really cool. Right now I am in Calculus 2, Calc-based Mechanical Physics, and a 200-level Philosophy class. School dominates most of my time, which is fine, because i really like it; college is fantastic-the classes, the proffs, the students-all sooo much better than high school. I have been working about 5-10 hours a week as a tech aid at the small-you've-never-heard-of-it Redmond engineering company that i've been working at since August.
In the social areas of my life, things are okay. I recently aquired a boyfriend, which is fantastic, we hang out a lot and have a really good time no matter what we're doing-even if its nothing. Unfortunately my parents and I have been going through some [ridiculous] growing pains due this aquisition, but progress is happening, more or less.
My best friend Rachel however, kind of disowned me over a complicated -not to mention stupid- matter about the beginning of march-we haven't really talked since, i posted on that a while back. Kim, and all others that commented/read, don't worry - I haven't backed down.
But now, I'm kind of glad rachel and i broke up [bhwa?? hahapshh] because it has openned up some awesome opportunities for me to get closer to other folks at school [not to mention the boy-thing].

hm...what else to mention??
ohhhh hahahaha!!
Hallmarks of Chelsea-blog-posting:

To Do:
-preview next chapter section (6.3?)
-extra prob/text bk rev
-preview lab (edit: done!!)
-Marx p.69-95

-running (p.s. IM TRAINING FOR A HALF MARATHON - for real this time!)
-grocery shopping + lunch w/john @ 11
-inform parentals of the 6 concerts I plan on attending in the next 3 weeks (yehehehe)
-clean room / dishes / laundry

and...thats it!
Thanks for reading...if you did. And...please do post me a comment and remind me who you are! Or..if you aren't on my friend's list...write anyway! hahaha. Thanks in advance for that.
Happy Friday!!!
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