City of Angels...I seen 'em!

Jun 28, 2007 13:21

So..I did it.

I talk big game..but this time I did it.
I moved to LA...and I'm in love with this place.

Theres trash, theres gold, theres smiles, theres fake EVERYTHING...theres just everything PERIOD.

So far...
I've been hired,
been hired,
hung out with crazy rich people one day,
and walked past a bag of pee hanging from a tree branch the next.
yes, you read that right.
I got a gig. I'm singing at a wedding. THEY'RE PAYING ME. I must have tricked them or something :)
I interviewed for a job Tuesday,
I auditioned to sing lead for a band yesterday,
and I have another interview tomorrow.

For the first time...I can see the direction I want my life to be going in right now. AND its already headed in THAT direction. THAT, my friends, is fucking fantastic.
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