Jul 19, 2005 04:16
Do you ever feel used by ur friens? I do. I almost wish i didn't have girl friends. Everything's so complicated w/ girls. who said this, who said that...UGH! WHO CARES? Seriously, its beginning to bug me. Ok, i liked. It is bugging me. All except for two of my friends, i feel like are using me. And i haven't talked to one of them since school got out, and the other one since a couple days. Just lately, everyone is using me. Or so it seems. Ugh. It gets so frustrating. My guy friends, although the one i'd really like to see is however many states away, are so easy to talk to and i can help them w/o gettin in trouble w/ someone else. Guys are so care-free. Or at least about this stuff. Who cares who who's dating? Who cares who said what? I try to help someone, i get shunned by someone else. Honestly. Girls suck. Me being one, i'm a allowed to say this, as in turn i'm sure i suck too. But w/e. I'm just trying to help. Correction. I WAS trying to help. I give up now. Don't come to me for advice, if your a girl. Just don't. Honestly. At least not till I figure out how to fix w/e the heck i'm supposed to fix. Ugh i get so frustrated! Why can't ppl offer me advice? Why do I always have to offer them. I don't. I just do. I have hard times too.. but i can't talk about them cuz i'm too busy talkin about all their problems. my bf this, my best friend that. Ugh! It's been suggested i should be a psychologist. If it's anything like this...NO WAY! NOT FOR ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD! Unless I'm totally happy and have nothing to talk about, you'd find me dead first. Ugh. Man. Yeah, i need girl friends. I need that let's go shopping, do our nails, and check out boys thing. But i don't need the rest of the stupid teenage immature drama that tags along. Its stupid. I'm not saying i doubt whether or not they really care for me..although i could do that justly..I'm just sayin, i need a friend too. I can't be the friend all the time.