Potter Re-Read

Mar 20, 2011 14:10

RESUMED! Sorry it's been so long. Life, has been busy what with visiting relatives and tsunamis... Anyway. Forward.

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potter!verse, that time i read harry potter wrong, potter!verse: kiiiiiiiiiids, from this side, observations, ready mcreaderson: potter!verse

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borg_princess March 21 2011, 11:45:26 UTC
you know what? It kind of totally explains Ronald's view of things sometimes: IE TROLLS BE STUPID, HOUSE ELVES ARE ONLY TO BE OUR SERVANTS etc etc...

*flails* I disagree! Ron in GoF actually made me kinda like him, if only in regard to the house-elf issue. I can’t find the quote now and it’s DRIVING ME INSANE ‘coz I’ve searched for different key words and can’t find the bloody line in my pdf copy of GoF so maybe a chapter is missing or something, but I remember Hermione leaving hats and socks around the tower to trick house-elves into being freed (this makes no sense, btw, house-elves do laundry, so why do they get freed if they find it under a newspaper but not if they pick up the sheets on a bed or gloves on the floor, etc?) and Ron uncovered them so that the house-elves would have a choice if they were to be freed or not (again, what makes these things knitted by Hermione special?) instead of disregarding their feelings like Hermione. I get her intentions are good, but she saw Winky! She got dismissed and went to pieces and is a nervous drunken wreck who’s always crying and is ostracized from her own kind.

It’s kind of horrible that she would free them without any consideration for what would happen afterwards! These house-elves were happy and found their work fulfilling and the idea of ‘freedom’ horrifying and her response is not to take their feelings into consideration, not to try to teach them a different way of life or what rights ought be available to them in her opinion, it’s to take away their choice by making this decision for them. Okay, she’s trying to free them as opposed to enslave them, but she’s still denying them the right to decide what they want in life, just as much as their ‘oppressors’. It was the wrong way to go about it and I never stop getting annoyed at her for it.

OBHWF my. ass.

besides Hogwarts, they're his soft place to land
Aww, I like that description.

the twins who were the first to make contact with him and out of their awesomeness decided to help the new kid with getting his trunk on the train and THEN realised who he was

THIS. What. The twins helped a new kid? I find that so OOC, in retrospect. But I still really like it! Even if it seems more likely they’d mess around with him, steal his stuff or something. I mean. These are the boys who fed firsties rigged candy that knocked them unconscious and did other nasty things to innocent people, so it’s bizarre that Harry got the royal treatment. But hey, good for them!


sunny_serenity March 22 2011, 19:42:50 UTC
You have the advantage here. This re-read is more like a first read because I have been so immersed in movie!canon and fanon!fanon that I needed to get my lenses changed. When I get to this part in GoF I'll be sure to look for this. I will say this though, Hermione is probably not thinking about the issue long term. She's immediately attempting, in her wide-eyed optimistic gusto to do what she sees, at that moment in time with her limited life experience and impatience of youth, the right thing. Overly righteous perhaps? But that just gives me one more thing to point out in her commonality with Harry and why they are my OTP because WHO ELSE WOULD RUSH SO FULL OF PASSION INTO THINGS HEAD LONG WITHOUT FULLY COMPREHENDING THE BIGGER PICTURE?

BTW, I love that even though you love Hermione, you are not blind to her faults which, I have a tendency to do because I am an eternal optimist and ILOVEHERSFM. So, I'm glad that you are able to make me see her a bit more objectively and more importantly fully as much more that a character on a page. KU. DOS. BB.

TWINS ARE MY FAVE. George exhibits a more vocal concern whereas Fred is all about the actions. George expressed worry over getting Ginny new robes in CoS when they were looking at the DADA required texts and my heart went all a fluttery. I also wish more of the twins bromance with Harry was in the films because I enjoy their interactions in the books. Such a contrast with Harry's relationship with Dudley that it would've been nice to see... I guess that's why PoA is my fave movie because Cuaron really tried to bring in all these aspects from the overall feel the books gave me.


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