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10millionpeople January 11 2011, 04:32:19 UTC
Ohgosh. I lurve that icon so much I think I might start shipping Snape/Sarcasm. I SHALL CALL IT SNARCASM!!!

Snarcasm is my new OTP. I smell some fic and famixes coming on, no?

Dude, I love that behind the scenes icon so much. I ship Dan/Emma too (but not as much as HHr because I don't keep up with celeb gossip) but it's so Harry/Hermione shippy because theu're on set, in costume, and everything is so GAH. I wish the world revolved around Harmony. (But I have found a lot of Tumblr pages that do, which makes me happy. Yay!)

GAH THAT DANCING ICON HJYBFNJGKM. A proper keysmash is not complete without a 'j' so I will add another for emphasis. J. JJJ. JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. That is all.

DUDE YOU SO GOTTA ICON ME SOMETIME LIKE, WTF. Just use imageshack, or tell me the names in a comment, but we gotta keep this neverending (at least, until we run out of icons) cycle going! Do it whenever, I realy don't care :P

Mmmm, I should go before my comment gets too annyoingly long, lol. Ttfn hon!!


sunny_serenity January 11 2011, 05:55:54 UTC
LOL! So let it be written, so let it be done. Snarcasm.

RPS is a relative new thing for me but hell if these fucking kids don't change my mind about a lot of things. Who cares about gossip really, I make up my own stories. *shrug* Hee. tumblr.


Imageshack does not work for me like an evol evol thing... OMG I HATE IT SO MUCH. I could possibly make another PB account but, then I'd have like three... like an uber dork. I shall work something out because this Potter!love must. not. die. UNF.


sunny_serenity January 12 2011, 05:42:53 UTC
okay, i'm gonna do icon meme texty stylee

emma; you're beautiful as well

hermione; new

harry/hermione; your heart calls me home

harry/hermione; she's all you have so ho

harry/hermione; let me show you


10millionpeople January 16 2011, 01:37:37 UTC
Mah, LJ like cut off so much of my random names, and I was too lazy to fix it, so that's why there's some "whattheheck?" words in there ^^

And ughh, I need to do this to continue the cycle of everlasting Harmony icon spaziness! But I'm not on for long now, nor have I been on for lone in a while, so I will do this when I have more time ^^

As well as write part two of the Snape & Harry fic/the Tonks fic that you want, hahaha (;


sunny_serenity January 16 2011, 03:21:19 UTC
yeah, that's why most of my icons are ident with sucky short one wordy descriptions... stupid lj.

OMG! I uploaded new HP iconses JUST for this purpose. iamadork. heeeeee. so excited... TIME Y U SO SHORT?! *appropriate icon usage*

*gasp* *glee* ^____________________^


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