sunny_j's Halloween party:
______stardust dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Teresa.
__break__ dressed as a halfback for the Chiefs.
_atsirk_ dressed as the Sedimentary Power Ranger.
_surrendered dressed as Abraham Lincoln.
banditx44 dressed as the King of Sudan.
crayzmegs dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Outcast's Dagger.
crazyalaskan dressed as Pamela Anderson, though it looked more like a substitute four-color glossy publisher.
curious0 dressed as a bunny, and it suited them all too well.
il_sogno_lea dressed as a GardnertechInc. employee.
ilolli1 dressed as a character from "Young Frankenstein".
ilolli dressed as Prince's mother.
joxerdaily dressed as Will Ferrell riding a cat.
lea_9 dressed as Trent Reznor.
maartjuh dressed as Osama bin Laden, though it looked more like a adventure.
mad_zoe dressed as something teflon, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
magndoodle dressed as Optimus Prime.
marniequa dressed as a 1960's hippie child.
mom2myangelboy dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
moon_something dressed as your mother.
morgenstern dressed as a cup of tea.
mssaturdaynight forgot to put on clothes!
princesskatidid dressed as the Governor of New Hampshire.
sailorangei dressed as Captain Picard from "Star Trek".
simplytree dressed as a Level 8 thief.
sunny_j dressed as a devil.
sunshinemeggie dressed as a horse, though it looked more like a lizard.
tatasmasgrandes dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Arrogant Commander.
teckdiva dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Snotty Pottytush".
vegemitesarah dressed as a first baseman for the Astros.
Throw your own party at the
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