Nov 30, 2005 19:43
So tonight I went running with Sergent Jones. I had to run a mile in 10 mins and 30 seconds. Okay, first of all I haven't ran on anything but a tredmil in years and second of all I'm not active. Sure, I go to the gym..But I don't think that really has anything to do with running in the rain and it 20 degrees outside.
I ran the mile in 12 mins and 10 seconds..Not bad. But by the time I was finished I couldn't decided if I had to throw up or if I wanted to pass out. So I just laid on the track in the rain. I wanted to die. I couldn't move my legs. So now, PT is at 5:45 every morning. I don't want to. I'm just gonna go die. Stupid diets and junk. Why the heck do you have to run like that anyways? If I'm in danger, yeah I'm gonna book away from what ever it is that it trying to get/hurt me. But not just for the sake of running I'm not gonna do it. Lol. I think that basic is gonna suck hardcore for me.
On another hand, I'm super excited about coming home. I miss Harlan and I can't wait to see everyone. :D! Yay. Lol. Although there is one person that I'm so super happy about seeing, even though I promised I wouldn't see them. Lol..I'm a bad g/f.
About being a bad g/f...sometimes I really wonder if I am a good one..Lol I mean, I know he done one really stupid thing and it kinda ruined things. But he made up for it with the snow. BUT, sometimes I catch myself thinking about someone else or talking to someone else and it kinda makes me a feel. But, technically I'm not cheating on him. What he did was cheating. I've not went out with anyone or anything since I've been with him. I'm happy with him. I really really care about him and I don't want to hurt him, but I'm scared about going to Harlan. that may mess things up..Lol